108 · Representative Documents: Professional Development/Sabbatical/Short Leave Policies
Brigham Young University
Faculty Leaves Policy: Professional Development Leave
Brigham Young University
29 August 2005
Professional Development Plan
Professional development involves an ongoing plan to enhance professional expertise, increase
creativity, and produce more proficient scholars and teachers. Professional development includes
a balanced program of professional leaves, reading, improvement of teaching technique,
innovative course development, creative work, research, artistic production and involvement in
community service and/or activity in professional organizations. Upon returning from a
Professional Development Leave, the faculty member is expected to provide a summary of his or
her experience for the benefit of colleagues and other interested parties. Guidelines set forth by
the department or college determine how and when this summary is to be presented.
Each faculty member should formulate a professional development plan. This plan may include
Professional Development Leaves. The department chair should review the professional
development plan as part of the faculty member s Annual Stewardship Interview. (See the Rank
and Status Policy, Section 3.1.4.)
Granting of Professional Development Leaves
Generally, a Professional Development Leave is approved for up to one year. Under special
circumstances, a Professional Development Leave may be extended. The faculty member is
guaranteed employment at BYU at the conclusion of a Professional Development Leave, unless
terminated for cause. A request for Professional Development Leave requires written
justification for the leave and initial approvals at the department and college levels. (Refer to the
Leave of Absence Application form.) After the initial approvals are obtained, the dean forwards
the request along with the written justification to the Associate Academic Vice President Faculty
who determines if the request should be submitted for final approval. Final approval is granted
by the President and the Office of the Commissioner of Church Education.
Purposes of Professional Development Leaves
Purposes which may justify the granting of a Professional Development Leave include:
A significant extension of professional knowledge, experience, or skills beyond those already
possessed in research, creative activities, informational competency, or teaching ability,
A renewal of professional knowledge or skills in the faculty member s field,
Brigham Young University
Faculty Leaves Policy: Professional Development Leave
Brigham Young University
29 August 2005
Professional Development Plan
Professional development involves an ongoing plan to enhance professional expertise, increase
creativity, and produce more proficient scholars and teachers. Professional development includes
a balanced program of professional leaves, reading, improvement of teaching technique,
innovative course development, creative work, research, artistic production and involvement in
community service and/or activity in professional organizations. Upon returning from a
Professional Development Leave, the faculty member is expected to provide a summary of his or
her experience for the benefit of colleagues and other interested parties. Guidelines set forth by
the department or college determine how and when this summary is to be presented.
Each faculty member should formulate a professional development plan. This plan may include
Professional Development Leaves. The department chair should review the professional
development plan as part of the faculty member s Annual Stewardship Interview. (See the Rank
and Status Policy, Section 3.1.4.)
Granting of Professional Development Leaves
Generally, a Professional Development Leave is approved for up to one year. Under special
circumstances, a Professional Development Leave may be extended. The faculty member is
guaranteed employment at BYU at the conclusion of a Professional Development Leave, unless
terminated for cause. A request for Professional Development Leave requires written
justification for the leave and initial approvals at the department and college levels. (Refer to the
Leave of Absence Application form.) After the initial approvals are obtained, the dean forwards
the request along with the written justification to the Associate Academic Vice President Faculty
who determines if the request should be submitted for final approval. Final approval is granted
by the President and the Office of the Commissioner of Church Education.
Purposes of Professional Development Leaves
Purposes which may justify the granting of a Professional Development Leave include:
A significant extension of professional knowledge, experience, or skills beyond those already
possessed in research, creative activities, informational competency, or teaching ability,
A renewal of professional knowledge or skills in the faculty member s field,