68 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
Counted as time worked
Employee uses professional leave.
If library requires certification, then time away would be counted as time worked, otherwise employee may be allowed
to make-up the time and/or use vacation leave.
Our IT librarian may need certification in some instances.
Requires supervisor approval.
Allowed to make up the time
Case-by-case basis—decided by supervisor.
Personal time, Allowed to make up the time
All time away must be negotiated with the person’s supervisor.
Counted as time worked, Personal time, Allowed to make up the time
We would work with the employee for time away from normal duties.
Not allowed
Professional Certification is not currently required of our librarians. If we had a medical library and membership in the
Academy of Health Information Professionals was required, this would be reviewed.
Other Leave or Professional Development Benefits
32. Does you library offer any other type of leave or professional development benefits to librarians?
Yes 39 57%
No 30 43%
If yes, please describe the benefit.
A librarian can request “special leave” from the university for a specific purpose, including attending a professional
meeting and additional education, and length of time. Up to 30 days with pay with Provost approval up to a year
unpaid with further approval.
A professional development fund and travel allowance is allocated as part of our librarians and archivists collective
agreement. Compassionate leave is also granted for bereavement, to attend to urgent or critical health needs of
immediate family or other personal reasons requiring urgent attention.
Ability to apply for University Foreign Travel Grants or library-funded research grants.
As a consortium member institution, we select 3 to 5 librarians for, and fully fund attendance at, the TRLN Management
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