SPEC Kit 315: Leave and Professional Development Benefits · 55
16. Please indicate the maximum number of credit hours of job-related college credit courses that
librarians may take per session. N=29
Credit hours per session
Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev
3 No limit 6.71 6 2.83
Number of
Number of
3 2
4 1
6 12
7 1
8 3
9–12 1
16 1
No limit 8
Personal Development Education and Training
17. Does your library pay or reimburse librarians for registration, books, materials, and/or equipment
expenses for college credit courses that are primarily for their own personal development? N=72
Books, etc.
Yes, the library pays/reimburses the full cost 9 1
Yes, the library pays/reimburses a part of the cost 12 3
No, the library does not pay or reimburse 51 66
Full Registration 2 3%
Full Registration, Full Books, etc. 1 1%
Full Registration, No Books, etc. 6 8%
Part Registration, Part Books, etc. 3 4%
Part Registration, No Books, etc. 9 13%
No Registration, No Books, etc. 51 71%
16. Please indicate the maximum number of credit hours of job-related college credit courses that
librarians may take per session. N=29
Credit hours per session
Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev
3 No limit 6.71 6 2.83
Number of
Number of
3 2
4 1
6 12
7 1
8 3
9–12 1
16 1
No limit 8
Personal Development Education and Training
17. Does your library pay or reimburse librarians for registration, books, materials, and/or equipment
expenses for college credit courses that are primarily for their own personal development? N=72
Books, etc.
Yes, the library pays/reimburses the full cost 9 1
Yes, the library pays/reimburses a part of the cost 12 3
No, the library does not pay or reimburse 51 66
Full Registration 2 3%
Full Registration, Full Books, etc. 1 1%
Full Registration, No Books, etc. 6 8%
Part Registration, Part Books, etc. 3 4%
Part Registration, No Books, etc. 9 13%
No Registration, No Books, etc. 51 71%