SPEC Kit 315: Leave and Professional Development Benefits · 141
University of Virginia
Professional Development Funding Policy
Revised 11-12-08
University of Virginia Library
Professional Development Funding Policy
In order to meet the challenges of today’s academic research library environment and to better support
the mission and goals of the Library, the University of Virginia Library encourages all employees to
participate in professional development/education activities. Through its program of professional
development/education, employees are equipped with the skills necessary to keep pace with changing
user needs, master new technologies, and adapt to a workplace characterized by innovation and change.
Professional development also provides networking opportunities for staff to contribute knowledge to
the profession and keep abreast of developments in library or related fields.
General Policy
Based on the availability of funds, each employee has available a standard allocation per fiscal year for professional
development/education activities. No formal written request is required to receive this standard allocation
however, all professional development/learning plans should be discussed with the employee’s
immediate supervisor and outlined in either the employee work profile or in the professional goals for
the current year.
♦ Currently the standard allocation per Fiscal Year will be $800 for each faculty member and $500 for
each non-faculty (classified &university staff) members, to be used to support professional
development activities. Activities can include fees/tuition/travel expenses (please note that there is
a new $2000 UVA funded Education Benefit for tuition and some non-credit
courses/workshops/seminars – please check section outlined later in this document). An additional
stipend of up to $200.00 is available to support significant involvement, such as chairing a committee for a
national organization or presenting a paper at a conference outside the University of Virginia. The maximum
allocation under this policy will be $1,000.00 for faculty and $700.00 for non-faculty staff per fiscal year. These
professional development activities should be documented in the reimbursement packet (credit card bills,
invoices, and receipts, etc.) submitted to Financial Services.
♦ Requests for funds above the standard allocation may be made at any time throughout the fiscal
year. Employees should submit a statement to their supervisors that includes the following
information: name, number of years worked at the Library, name of the development activity,
conference, etc. and a brief statement as to how attendance will enhance individual development
and/or contribute to departmental goals and objectives and/or contribute to the Library’s mission,
goals and objectives. Department heads have the discretion to fund the request with departmental
funds or may seek additional funding to support the request from their AUL. Special consideration
will be provided to newly hired library employees for whom additional funding will enable first-time
involvement in professional development activities and for others with professional development
goals that align closely with personal, departmental, or library goals and objectives. Approvals to
receive additional funding for professional development above the standard allocation must be in
writing. If travel is involved, funding above the standard allocation should be requested from your
supervisor in advance. Additional approval of costs is based on the availability of funds.
♦ The Pre-approval of Proposed Trip Estimate form (“estimated expenditures”) should be used to request
the additional travel funding. If the total costs are within the standard allocation, pre-approval is not
needed. For reimbursement after the trip, the signed Pre-approval of Proposed Trip Estimate form must
be submitted to Financial Services with the Travel Reimbursement Request. Only preapproved costs
above the allocation can be reimbursed.
♦ All newly hired library faculty members will be awarded double ($1600) the standard allocation for
their first two years of employment to support their involvement in professional development
activities as new members of the UVA Library community
UVA Education Benefits ($2000)
A full explanation of these benefits and how to enroll can be found at:
http://www.hrs.virginia.edu/benefits/educben/edbenefitsprogram. Further guidance can be provided
by the Library Training Manager or by contacting UHR. The following is an overview from the UHR site:
University of Virginia
Professional Development Funding Policy
Revised 11-12-08
University of Virginia Library
Professional Development Funding Policy
In order to meet the challenges of today’s academic research library environment and to better support
the mission and goals of the Library, the University of Virginia Library encourages all employees to
participate in professional development/education activities. Through its program of professional
development/education, employees are equipped with the skills necessary to keep pace with changing
user needs, master new technologies, and adapt to a workplace characterized by innovation and change.
Professional development also provides networking opportunities for staff to contribute knowledge to
the profession and keep abreast of developments in library or related fields.
General Policy
Based on the availability of funds, each employee has available a standard allocation per fiscal year for professional
development/education activities. No formal written request is required to receive this standard allocation
however, all professional development/learning plans should be discussed with the employee’s
immediate supervisor and outlined in either the employee work profile or in the professional goals for
the current year.
♦ Currently the standard allocation per Fiscal Year will be $800 for each faculty member and $500 for
each non-faculty (classified &university staff) members, to be used to support professional
development activities. Activities can include fees/tuition/travel expenses (please note that there is
a new $2000 UVA funded Education Benefit for tuition and some non-credit
courses/workshops/seminars – please check section outlined later in this document). An additional
stipend of up to $200.00 is available to support significant involvement, such as chairing a committee for a
national organization or presenting a paper at a conference outside the University of Virginia. The maximum
allocation under this policy will be $1,000.00 for faculty and $700.00 for non-faculty staff per fiscal year. These
professional development activities should be documented in the reimbursement packet (credit card bills,
invoices, and receipts, etc.) submitted to Financial Services.
♦ Requests for funds above the standard allocation may be made at any time throughout the fiscal
year. Employees should submit a statement to their supervisors that includes the following
information: name, number of years worked at the Library, name of the development activity,
conference, etc. and a brief statement as to how attendance will enhance individual development
and/or contribute to departmental goals and objectives and/or contribute to the Library’s mission,
goals and objectives. Department heads have the discretion to fund the request with departmental
funds or may seek additional funding to support the request from their AUL. Special consideration
will be provided to newly hired library employees for whom additional funding will enable first-time
involvement in professional development activities and for others with professional development
goals that align closely with personal, departmental, or library goals and objectives. Approvals to
receive additional funding for professional development above the standard allocation must be in
writing. If travel is involved, funding above the standard allocation should be requested from your
supervisor in advance. Additional approval of costs is based on the availability of funds.
♦ The Pre-approval of Proposed Trip Estimate form (“estimated expenditures”) should be used to request
the additional travel funding. If the total costs are within the standard allocation, pre-approval is not
needed. For reimbursement after the trip, the signed Pre-approval of Proposed Trip Estimate form must
be submitted to Financial Services with the Travel Reimbursement Request. Only preapproved costs
above the allocation can be reimbursed.
♦ All newly hired library faculty members will be awarded double ($1600) the standard allocation for
their first two years of employment to support their involvement in professional development
activities as new members of the UVA Library community
UVA Education Benefits ($2000)
A full explanation of these benefits and how to enroll can be found at:
http://www.hrs.virginia.edu/benefits/educben/edbenefitsprogram. Further guidance can be provided
by the Library Training Manager or by contacting UHR. The following is an overview from the UHR site: