SPEC Kit 315: Leave and Professional Development Benefits · 19
Survey Questions and Responses
The SPEC survey on Leave and Professional Development Benefits was designed by Cathleen Martyniak,
Chair, Preservation Department, and Brian Keith, Assistant Dean, Human and Financial Resources,
University of Florida. These results are based on data submitted by 73 of the 123 ARL member libraries
(59%) by the deadline of August 4, 2009. The survey’s introductory text and questions are reproduced below,
followed by the response data and selected comments from the respondents.
This survey is for the human resource officer or other senior administrator responsible for policy decisions about the various leave
and professional development benefits available to librarians. The benefits covered in this survey include sick, vacation, and holiday
leave, and leave and financial support for professional development, employee education and training, and internships. The benefits
not considered in this survey, but well represented in other surveys, include retirement and insurance plans. In determining the
scope of this survey, the authors wanted to develop an understanding of the less researched and more varied plans currently offered
to professional library staff and benefits over which library administrators would typically have some plan design authority. These
benefits represent an area ripe for exploration.
While it is likely that the benefits within the scope of this survey are offered to librarians and other library employees, they will
be most commonly afforded to librarians. Since the variance in the extent to which the benefits are offered to other categories of
employees might make the responses to the survey more difficult to interpret, the survey authors have opted to narrow the focus of
the survey to librarians (though respondents may include other staff who are eligible for the same benefits).
Results of this survey should help provide a better understanding of the prevalence of these leave benefits and identify typical plan
components and design.
Survey Questions and Responses
The SPEC survey on Leave and Professional Development Benefits was designed by Cathleen Martyniak,
Chair, Preservation Department, and Brian Keith, Assistant Dean, Human and Financial Resources,
University of Florida. These results are based on data submitted by 73 of the 123 ARL member libraries
(59%) by the deadline of August 4, 2009. The survey’s introductory text and questions are reproduced below,
followed by the response data and selected comments from the respondents.
This survey is for the human resource officer or other senior administrator responsible for policy decisions about the various leave
and professional development benefits available to librarians. The benefits covered in this survey include sick, vacation, and holiday
leave, and leave and financial support for professional development, employee education and training, and internships. The benefits
not considered in this survey, but well represented in other surveys, include retirement and insurance plans. In determining the
scope of this survey, the authors wanted to develop an understanding of the less researched and more varied plans currently offered
to professional library staff and benefits over which library administrators would typically have some plan design authority. These
benefits represent an area ripe for exploration.
While it is likely that the benefits within the scope of this survey are offered to librarians and other library employees, they will
be most commonly afforded to librarians. Since the variance in the extent to which the benefits are offered to other categories of
employees might make the responses to the survey more difficult to interpret, the survey authors have opted to narrow the focus of
the survey to librarians (though respondents may include other staff who are eligible for the same benefits).
Results of this survey should help provide a better understanding of the prevalence of these leave benefits and identify typical plan
components and design.