SPEC Kit 315: Leave and Professional Development Benefits · 21
Hours worked
to be considered
N Hours worked
to qualify for
N Comments
35 9 17.5 3
20 3 Leave benefits consist of FMLA and unpaid personal leave of
35 1
Other 2 Covering professional leave for part time librarians has never been
raised as an issue. We only have 1 part time librarian and I don’t
know if she has ever requested professional leave.
For part-time, benefits are pro-rated.
37.5 10 18.75 3
20 3 The library has no part-time professional staff.
30 1
37.5 1 Professional employees are salaried and as such hours are not
Other 2 Librarians are faculty and hold 12-month continuing fiscal
appointments. Only faculty who hold 12-month continuing fiscal
appointments are eligible to earn or accrue vacation benefits.
It depends on salary level. The 2008 minimum was $12,120.
40 44 1 1 Leave accrual rates are proportional to the percentage of 40 hours
per week.
8 1
10 1 Insurances are prorated on greater than 50% or less than 50%, leave
is prorated based on appointment percentage.
16 1
17.5 1
19 1
20 27 See 40/20 comments below.
30 1
32 1 University policy states that at 32 hours an employee can qualify for
benefits. However, the library does not have any .75 FTE employees.
40 6 The university allows benefits at 75%, however, we only hire full time
employees into “regular” (not temporary) positions.
Other 3 Benefit based on FTE.
Staff members are eligible for leave benefits based upon the type and
length of the appointment rather than the number of hours in the
work schedule.
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