SPEC Kit 315: Leave and Professional Development Benefits · 101
North Carolina State University
NCSU Libraries Travel and Training Guidelines and Procedures
IV. Guidelines for Expenses
Staff are expected to seek the most reasonable fares and accommodations, allowing for
safe travel. Guidelines apply to "normal and predictable" types of travel. In cases where
an urgent need does not permit planning in time to receive reduced fares, or in case of
an emergency that necessitates excessive or unusual cost, a thorough explanation of
circumstances is required.
A. Transportation. Travel should be by the most economical, direct, and usually
traveled route and method.
--Air fare should be at the best available advance purchase coach rate.
Travelers who prefer to have tickets paid directly by the Libraries may
book tickets through the Libraries’ approved travel agent and may
include the agent’s booking fee. Travelers who purchase their own tickets
may submit paperwork for reimbursement in advance of travel. Proof of
completion of the flight is required after the trip.
--Employees may use a state car or personal car for travel within the state
or to neighboring states when that is more economical than air travel. For
out-of-state travel, cost comparison with air travel must include lodging
and extra time away from work required when driving instead of flying.
--To estimate the cost of a state vehicle, check the University Motor Pool
at Fleet Services, http://www.ncsu.edu/facilities/fac-
--When the Libraries is paying for a state vehicle(s) to transport staff to a
meeting, there will be no reimbursement to travelers who choose to use a
personal car when space is available in the state vehicle.
--Family members (who are not library employees) may not travel in
state vehicles without prior approval from the Vice Provost and Director
of Libraries.
--Travelers are not normally permitted to request reimbursement for
rental cars (See Appendix 1).
--Parking, toll charges, taxi/shuttle fares, and other related expenses must
be requested and approved in advance.
B. Lodging. Travelers should seek safe and reasonable lodging. Lodging
should be close to the meeting site, such as in a conference hotel, to reduce
commuting expenses. When possible, rooms should be shared, but a
supervisor may not share a room with a member of his/her staff. Expenses
for family members or other non-library employees sharing a room are not
eligible for reimbursement.
C. Registration. Registration fees will normally be paid/reimbursed at the
advance registration member rate.
D. Meals. Reimbursement for meals may be requested in accordance with
current state subsistence rates:
V. Revisions, Cancellations, Accidents
Due to the volatility of airfares, funders may designate approval of requested fare plus
20%. The traveler may then book the ticket at the fare available at the time travel is
authorized, up to that amount. If the only flight available exceeds that amount, the
North Carolina State University
NCSU Libraries Travel and Training Guidelines and Procedures
IV. Guidelines for Expenses
Staff are expected to seek the most reasonable fares and accommodations, allowing for
safe travel. Guidelines apply to "normal and predictable" types of travel. In cases where
an urgent need does not permit planning in time to receive reduced fares, or in case of
an emergency that necessitates excessive or unusual cost, a thorough explanation of
circumstances is required.
A. Transportation. Travel should be by the most economical, direct, and usually
traveled route and method.
--Air fare should be at the best available advance purchase coach rate.
Travelers who prefer to have tickets paid directly by the Libraries may
book tickets through the Libraries’ approved travel agent and may
include the agent’s booking fee. Travelers who purchase their own tickets
may submit paperwork for reimbursement in advance of travel. Proof of
completion of the flight is required after the trip.
--Employees may use a state car or personal car for travel within the state
or to neighboring states when that is more economical than air travel. For
out-of-state travel, cost comparison with air travel must include lodging
and extra time away from work required when driving instead of flying.
--To estimate the cost of a state vehicle, check the University Motor Pool
at Fleet Services, http://www.ncsu.edu/facilities/fac-
--When the Libraries is paying for a state vehicle(s) to transport staff to a
meeting, there will be no reimbursement to travelers who choose to use a
personal car when space is available in the state vehicle.
--Family members (who are not library employees) may not travel in
state vehicles without prior approval from the Vice Provost and Director
of Libraries.
--Travelers are not normally permitted to request reimbursement for
rental cars (See Appendix 1).
--Parking, toll charges, taxi/shuttle fares, and other related expenses must
be requested and approved in advance.
B. Lodging. Travelers should seek safe and reasonable lodging. Lodging
should be close to the meeting site, such as in a conference hotel, to reduce
commuting expenses. When possible, rooms should be shared, but a
supervisor may not share a room with a member of his/her staff. Expenses
for family members or other non-library employees sharing a room are not
eligible for reimbursement.
C. Registration. Registration fees will normally be paid/reimbursed at the
advance registration member rate.
D. Meals. Reimbursement for meals may be requested in accordance with
current state subsistence rates:
V. Revisions, Cancellations, Accidents
Due to the volatility of airfares, funders may designate approval of requested fare plus
20%. The traveler may then book the ticket at the fare available at the time travel is
authorized, up to that amount. If the only flight available exceeds that amount, the