120 · Representative Documents: Professional Development/Sabbatical/Short Leave Policies
Indiana University Bloomington
Guidelines for Research Leave Program
Approved by the Bloomington Library Faculty Council: March 19, 1990
Amended by BLFC: July 14, 1993
Amended by BLFC: June 18, 1997
Amended by BLFC: July 3, 2000
1. The Research Leave Program is organized and run by the IUB Libraries as an internal
program in support of the on-going research of librarians in libraries on budgets administered
by the Ruth Lilly University Dean of University Libraries. The Libraries encourage the
support of supervisors and colleagues in making research time available. The Research Leave
Program is intended to aid research by IUB librarians by making research leaves available to
them in suitable circumstances.
2. The Bloomington members of the Sabbatical Leave Committee serve as the IUB Research
Leave and Support Grant Funds Committee. This committee reviews applications and makes
recommendations to the Dean.
3. The question of coverage during the librarian’s absence is handled in a way similar to the
approach taken for sabbaticals — i.e., it is the supervisor’s responsibility to make
arrangements. The supervisor’s signature on the Application for Research Leave attests that
such arrangements have been made.
4. A research leave may be from two weeks to two months in length.
A. Non-tenured librarians in a tenure-track position are eligible for up to five months of
research leave in the period between appointment and application for tenure.
B. Tenured librarians are eligible for up to seven months of research leaves, in addition to a
sabbatical leave, within each seven-year period.
5. The Application for Research Leave is submitted to the librarian’s supervisor, who signs (to
denote approval of the proposal and the provision of adequate coverage) and forwards it to the
appropriate administrator. The administrator prepares a recommendation and signs the form
before forwarding the application to the Libraries Human Resources Officer, who distributes
it to the Research Leave and Support Grant Funds Committee. The Committee makes its
recommendation to the Ruth Lilly University Dean of University Libraries.
6. There are no deadlines for applications for research leaves. Nevertheless, it is strongly
recommended that an application be submitted at least six weeks in advance of the proposed
beginning date for the research leave, or in any case as far in advance as possible, to give time
for the application to be processed and evaluated by all concerned.
Indiana University Bloomington
Guidelines for Research Leave Program
Approved by the Bloomington Library Faculty Council: March 19, 1990
Amended by BLFC: July 14, 1993
Amended by BLFC: June 18, 1997
Amended by BLFC: July 3, 2000
1. The Research Leave Program is organized and run by the IUB Libraries as an internal
program in support of the on-going research of librarians in libraries on budgets administered
by the Ruth Lilly University Dean of University Libraries. The Libraries encourage the
support of supervisors and colleagues in making research time available. The Research Leave
Program is intended to aid research by IUB librarians by making research leaves available to
them in suitable circumstances.
2. The Bloomington members of the Sabbatical Leave Committee serve as the IUB Research
Leave and Support Grant Funds Committee. This committee reviews applications and makes
recommendations to the Dean.
3. The question of coverage during the librarian’s absence is handled in a way similar to the
approach taken for sabbaticals — i.e., it is the supervisor’s responsibility to make
arrangements. The supervisor’s signature on the Application for Research Leave attests that
such arrangements have been made.
4. A research leave may be from two weeks to two months in length.
A. Non-tenured librarians in a tenure-track position are eligible for up to five months of
research leave in the period between appointment and application for tenure.
B. Tenured librarians are eligible for up to seven months of research leaves, in addition to a
sabbatical leave, within each seven-year period.
5. The Application for Research Leave is submitted to the librarian’s supervisor, who signs (to
denote approval of the proposal and the provision of adequate coverage) and forwards it to the
appropriate administrator. The administrator prepares a recommendation and signs the form
before forwarding the application to the Libraries Human Resources Officer, who distributes
it to the Research Leave and Support Grant Funds Committee. The Committee makes its
recommendation to the Ruth Lilly University Dean of University Libraries.
6. There are no deadlines for applications for research leaves. Nevertheless, it is strongly
recommended that an application be submitted at least six weeks in advance of the proposed
beginning date for the research leave, or in any case as far in advance as possible, to give time
for the application to be processed and evaluated by all concerned.