92 Representative Documents: Position Descriptions PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Alumni Relations and Stewardship Officer https://hr.psu.edu/recruitment-and-compensation/job-profiles/development-alumni-relations/ alumni-relations-and-stewardship-officer ALUMNI RELATIONS AND STEWARDSHIP OFFICER SUMMARY Job Category: Development and Alumni Relations Job Title: Alumni Relations and Stewardship ODcer Job Category De1nition: This specialty is a support unit working in institutional advancement to support Penn State’s goals and mission. The unit consists of various oDces working synergistically in two major functional areas, the ODce of University Development and the Penn State Alumni Association. In concert with the colleges, campuses, and other units of the University, the Division of Development and Alumni Relations has responsibility for advancing the University’s overall mission of teaching, research, and outreach to alumni, parents, friends, corporations and foundations. This is done by informing alumni and other constituents about Penn State and involving them in the life of the University through effective communications, quality programs and services. In doing so, we strive to gain their support and encourage them to join in shaping Penn State’s future through fundraising campaigns, enhancing honors education, enriching the student experience, fostering discovery and creativity, sustaining a tradition of quality, and building faculty strength and capacity. The division’s mandate is to generate among key constituencies the attitudinal, Qnancial, and behavioral support needed to realize the University’s goals and objectives. Job Title De1nition: The Alumni Relations and Stewardship ODcer works closely with the Development ODce within an assigned college or campus and is responsible for the oversight and management of the alumni relations and/or stewardship program for that assigned college or unit provides oversight and management for marketing and communications efforts and special events and programming related to alumni relations and/or stewardship program identiQes, recruits and manages alumni volunteers to serve on Boards and Committees provides professional guidance and leadership to volunteers and other advancement staff in order to develop and execute strategies and programs to deliver high quality alumni relations programming works collaboratively with the head of the academic unit, development, trained committee volunteers, the Alumni Association and/or central University Development staff to maximize stewardship and alumni relations success for the University works to engage department heads, faculty, staff, and volunteers in alumni relations and stewardship activities. Duties are performed at the various levels within the deQned category. Working Conditions: SpeciQc physical requirements and effort are outlined in Job Responsibilities Worksheet (list of essential job duties and responsibilities speciQc to a particular job at the unit level) in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Other Requirements: LEVELS Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5