40 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses I’m not privy to the specifics regarding this evaluation, but I have been led to believe by the dean that dollars raised are important in his evaluation. Recently, the library has collaborated on two major initiatives with entities outside the library. Our progress here will be an important measure of success. The dean is not evaluated on fundraising to my knowledge. 23. For each measure below please indicate whether it is Not Important, Important, or Very Important for evaluating the performance of other professional library development staff. Select NA if the measure is not used to evaluate their performance. Make one selection per row. N=46 Measure Not Important Important Very Important NA N Dollars raised 7 8 15 16 46 Overall dollar goal 9 10 10 17 46 Number of visits 10 7 12 17 46 Number of asks/proposals 11 6 13 16 46 Visits per month (or other period) 13 7 9 17 46 Number of gift closures 11 8 11 16 46 Moves per month (or other period) 13 11 3 19 46 Number of moves 14 10 3 19 46 Number of qualified donors 9 10 9 18 46 Joint proposals 13 13 2 18 46 Pipeline reports 12 12 3 19 46 Assisting other units 11 15 2 17 45 Other criteria 5 2 1 15 23 Total number of respondents 20 23 21 26 46 If you indicated above that other criteria are important or very important, please briefly describe the criteria. N=3 Donor and prospect research, completing fundraising reports, maintaining libraries’ website platforms, preparing mailing list. Quality of interaction with donors both on the phone and in person matters as does representing the Libraries as professional and supportive to the donor/prospects needs, wishes, and gifts. Stewardship efforts and annual fundraising efforts are very important. Additional comments N=6 Answers apply to development officer position, which differs from development coordinator position. As there is no other professional library development staff, these are more hypothetical answers. Development staff have varying roles. No professional library development staff at the university. Not to my knowledge. Only major gift officers and high-level foundation/corporate relations officers have metrics.