151 SPEC Kit 359: Library Development PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY DEVELOPMENT Greater Penn State for 21st Century Excellence Our Campaign Priorities IMPACTING THE WORLD AT THE PENN STATE LIBRARIES Early Career Librarianships: Early Career Librar- ianships offer promising junior faculty librarians the capacity to advance a program, invest in new equipment, and engage in travel that elevates our libraries. From now until June 30, 2021, new Early Career Librarianships (established at the $400,000 level) will receive a University match of $100,000, enhancing the impact on the lives of our librarians and academic community. Dean’s and Endowed Chairs: To attract and sustain top librarians who will take our institution to the next level, we must compete with other prestigious research libraries across the country and inter- nationally. Endowed chairs for our accomplished faculty and deans help the Penn State Libraries stand out among our peers and provide our librar- ians with the resources to innovate their research, expand our library services, and engage in new collaborations across the globe. CREATING TRANSFORMATIVE EXPERIENCES AT THE PENN STATE LIBRARIES Collaboration Commons: As a final, unifying phase of Pattee Library’s architectural transformation, the Collaboration Commons will create cohesion across the building and transform previously under-utilized space into beneficial areas for study, collaboration, and research. Philanthropic support is needed to finalize this new commons, and naming opportuni- ties are still available. Maker Commons: The Maker Commons allows Penn State students the opportunity to take their dreams from vision to reality. With access to 3-D printers and rapid prototyping devices, students at all campuses and in every discipline can pursue their own research, discoveries, and entrepreneurial accomplishments. Through private support, we will maintain and advance these revolutionary tools and respond to students’ use and demand. Digitization and Conservation: In the preservation and digitization processes, we harness traditional and innovative technologies to protect historical and educational resources. Gifts to this mission will help us counter the effects of age and use, increase accessibility through expanded digitization, and en- sure our libraries’ extensive collections are enjoyed by current and future learners.