65 help library deans make the case for the libraries with university presidents and their administrations. That could help us all a lot. Thank you. Some of these questions aren’t quite a fit. $contributed income + $appraised gifts v. budgets + FTE would be great to see a list of income compared to size/library budgets. The institute has not permitted the library to hire a development officer. This has been a major constraint in expanding library collections, spaces, services, and other resources. With a large building project currently underway our hope is that more development attention will be paid to the library, commensurate with the norm at other ARL institutions. The library new building and renovation project completed in January 2016. We have doubled the amount of use by our students, faculty, staff, and community. We are a great campus partner and look forward to more collaborations and donor support. The Libraries is one of many units across campus with special collections, all of which have their own separate fundraising arm. We are evolving in our development activities but to truly be successful need more willingness and inclusion from our university. With a recent change in leadership we are hopeful that this is on the horizon. We have had a development office in place for roughly six years. In 1999, we completed a major capital campaign project for the main library on campus. Between 2000 and 2011, we had many years of either no development officer or one for a very short period. 2011 marks the beginning of our current fundraising program in earnest.