49 Number Position Titles Roles on Board 35 Chair vice chair for nominations vice chair for development vice chair for programming Recruitment of new members meeting planning/agenda setting brainstorming event ideas advocating for library support from campus administration and from other alumni. In addition, all members of the board, except for a few lifetime membership honorees, need to be active, annual donors. 36 Chair or member Advocacy, fundraising, referrals, support of university librarian 45 Chair, members Serve as ambassadors for the university provide valuable counsel & professional expertise leverage their own networks in support of the university financially support university priorities, including targeted initiatives related to the libraries. Comments N=2 The board is on hold. Tried to start one for campaign not leadership or appetite. 36. Are the member’s appointment processes, terms, obligations, and other conditions comparable to those for development boards for other units/schools/colleges? N=31 Yes 26 84% No 5 16% Comments N=10 Answered Yes N=4 Required to make a gift, unclear if it is comparable to other units and colleges. Some units. Others are so much larger they have multiple boards with various levels and functions (i.e., business school). The volunteer board structure and membership process, including adding new members, is managed by central advancement and the chancellor’s office. Unsure. We have not compared notes with other campus units about this. Answered No N=5 Giving requirement is much less. Not all units have a Friends group. There is no consistency between the unit/school/colleges advisory groups. Varies across campus. We do not require a financial contribution—just a suggestion.