115 SPEC Kit 359: Library Development PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Libraries Development Board - Commitment to Penn State’s World Class Library University Libraries Libraries Development Board Mission and Vision Statement The Pennsylvania State University | April 2016 In each case and collectively, the board will work in concert with the dean and development director to propel the University Libraries to higher levels. By acting in concert with the libraries’ staff and by appropriately employing the skills of each member, great things can, and will, be accomplished. Membership Board members will be friends-at-large and/or Penn State alumni who have a commitment to and a potential for supporting the Libraries, understanding that a great university cannot exist without a great library and that private giving is an important component in funding Library programs and collections. Members typically commit to pledging $100,000 or more towards a major gift to the Libraries during their initial term and may make additional commitments in subsequent years. Members of the board will be appointed by the Dean of University Libraries and Scholarly Communications, in consultation with the Director of Development and the Board Executive Committee (see below). On behalf of the dean, Library Development Board meetings and activities will be coordinated and staffed by the director of development. Term of Appointment The term of appointment is normally three years. A board member may be asked to serve additional terms, with the mutual agreement of the member, Executive Committee, director of development, and dean. Roles and Responsibilities The Executive Committee is a standing committee to provide leadership for the board. It will be compiled of the board chair, vice chair, the dean, the director of development, libraries faculty liaison, the past chair, and one at-large member. The volunteer leadership will be appointed by the dean, in consultation with the director of development and Executive Committee. This committee will meet at least quarterly. Chair and Vice Chair will serve as chief volunteer spokesperson for the goals, themes, objectives of the libraries, assist with cultivation and solicitation of prospective donors. The chair will represent the libraries through attendance and participation at semiannual campaign executive committee meetings. The vice chair will assume the responsibilities of the chair, should the chair be unavailable.