53 39. What quantitative measures of library outcomes and performance, beyond metrics or statistics like gate counts, are used in these communications? N=39 5,000 hours of preparation and instruction for more than 15,000 students, number of reference requests, textbooks loaned, equipment loaned, results of satisfaction survey, budget numbers A few examples include library public programming counts and attendance, number of print and electronic titles, digital collection geographic reach, linear feet of acquired special collections, expenditures, reference services to students and faculty. All email/mailed communications are added to constituent records in our CRM. Web communications track opens, forwards, clicks. ARL stats Campaign progress numbers Click rates Coded return envelopes are included with each mailing enabling the tracking of dollars raised per mailing. Comparison of our gate count to our organizations (e.g., the Public Library) number of technology checkouts (e.g., laptops, chargers, video equipment, etc.) cups of coffee sold at our cafe, etc. Data gathered for internal purposes, such as gate count, count of students receiving information literacy instruction or receiving help through consultations, satisfaction with the library website, collection metrics, and other metrics are shared with donors and potential donors as relevant. Data related to collections, print and digital, circulation, ILL, gate counts, etc. Dollars raised, event statistics Dollars raised, number of donors, event participation Dollars saved by students on textbook purchases as a result of our OER grants program. Endowment and gift stewardship reports for gifts intended for collections frequently include counts or lists of titles purchased. For some electronic mailings, we can measure the number of “opens.” Fundraising totals Gate counts, budgets, visits by non-campus user groups Giving honor rolls, campaign numbers and goals, quantitative assessment survey responses, etc. ILL requests Infographic with various usage statistics on specific project outcome Mostly gate counts and material/book counts. We have used information on a current study of students taking courses offered by the libraries. None at this time (2 responses) Number of computers, study rooms, equipment for checkout, scholarships Number of donors, dollars raised, number of items in collections Open rate for electronic communications Open rates and segmentation of list. Looking at what emails were read by whom, what events were attended by whom, if they gave or took action to help the library.