44 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses 29. How often is the library included on institution-level direct mail appeals as a possible gift designation? N=52 Occasionally 29 56% Always 19 37% Never 4 8% 30. Is the library included on the institution-level giving website as a possible gift designation? N=53 Yes 52 98% No 1 2% The institution does not provide online giving opportunities 0 — 31. How often is the library included as a possible gift designation during phone-a-thon solicitations conducted by the larger institution? N=52 Occasionally 32 62% Always 16 31% Never 2 4% The institution does not conduct phone-a-thon solicitations 2 4% 32. Please indicate whether the institution’s central development operations or the library’s development office provides the more significant amount of staff effort for each of the following activities. N=53 Activity Central Staff Library Staff N Major gifts 14 39 53 Prospect research 48 5 53 Gift processing 41 12 53 Deferred/planned giving 35 18 53 Special events 8 45 53 Annual giving 30 22 52 Direct mail 31 21 52 Development communications 18 34 52 Records processing 49 3 52 Corporation/foundation relations 32 19 51 Information technology 35 15 50 Phone-a-thon 47 1 48 Other activities 3 4 7 Total number of respondents 53 50 53 If you selected other activity/central staff above, please briefly describe the activity. N=3 AG, DM, and phone: Library is responsible for content but central handles everything else. Annual endowment reporting: central development compiles financial reports and combines documents units provide individual fund impact reports to be included.