55 an event, etc.? Additionally, we would find useful any direct evidence that links library interaction to student success. Progress towards specific campaign goals including annual and capital as well as qualitative assessment of general collecting areas that might be relevant to interests expressed by prospects and donors. Research studies showing evidence of library programs, services, and instruction making a significant difference in students’ lives and in faculty members’ research, as applicable. Return on Investment on various solicitation methods Statistics about use of library by alumni Student and faculty survey as to improved information literacy. Number of non-student library card holders. Usage data by faculty accessing scholarly record: How many articles and journals is each unit accessing for research every semester? Student data: impact on GPA, retention, etc. when participating in library instruction and programming. Student success surveys, retention measures Study room checkouts (I can probably get this), hours of library use per student, average number of visits per week, etc. These are usually connected to accomplishments as they relate to the strategic plan/direction. Use of electronic resources by constituency. Email conversion rates: how many donors come from the library and university stories about the library? We’d like to be able to measure impact of research consultation program on student success outcomes. What’s out there? What do others use? 41. What qualitative measures of library outcomes and performance are used in these communications? N=33 Accomplishments of faculty and staff, library efforts to help with student retention such as information literacy assessment results, impact of spaces and services, positive comments on social media Anecdotal evidence from students and faculty who have received big benefits from working with library. Anecdotal impact stories, donor stories Communications often discuss goals and projects conducted to meet them, impact on students, profiles of scholarship awardees, news of librarian accomplishments, and other anecdotal evidence of the Libraries’ performance. Direct feedback from donors and event attendees Donor stories, library success stories, introductions to new faculty and staff, student success stories Features on faculty research, reflections on past success, looking ahead How funds are spent and the impact on students/faculty/research. Impact of giving: students supported, spaces created, faculty and researcher highlights, student research highlights, programs offered. Impact on teaching, learning, and research Impact stories on how the Libraries have made a difference. None at this time