13 Events planning and support Friends group was dissolved in 2017 so I didn’t check box. There are four years out of 14 (I’m able to collect data going back to FY ending 6/30/04). I didn’t check the $500k box because we don’t consistently raise that much. Gifts and estate planning (legacy giving) National Council, which is part development, part advocacy, and part advice. Online/web-based giving platform both specific to the Libraries web pages and the university’s web presence. Our fundraising professional is a University Foundation development professional assigned part-time to the Libraries. Our library does not have a Libraries development officer or a Libraries development office. All donations to the Libraries are processed through the University Foundation. Stewardship and cultivation events The library’s development officer retired two years ago, and the office of advancement hasn’t replaced her yet. There are plans to once the next campaign begins. And in the meantime, someone from OA works with the library on fundraising efforts. We are sometimes included in the phone-a-thon but it is not every year and the level of inclusion we get varies greatly, usually to the side of not being included. We closed the Friends of the Library program a few years ago. The library development board is also on hold. Our campus is participating in its second digital fundraising effort set for April 12, 2018. A development council was created in 2014 by the library development director with key curators and librarians to create protocols and better coordinate development opportunities. We have a 36-member library advisory council that I manage. I consider this to be different from a Friends of the Library and a library development board. 2. Please indicate the year the first chief library development officer (LDO) was hired (including one who worked less than full-time), the year your library founded a friends of the libraries group, founded a library development board, and/or first raised more than $500,000 in a year. N=51 Year first LDO was hired N=42 Year N 1980–1984 3 1985–1989 5 1990–1994 7 1995–1999 8 2000–2004 8 2005–2009 5 2010–2014 4 2017 2