27 11. By whom are the annual goals for library fundraising determined? N=50 Advancement Annual giving department in conjunction with the DO Associate dean, dean of the libraries, central development, staff Associate provost and university librarian Associate university librarian for development Associate vice president in the Purdue research foundation By the LDO in consultation with the dean and the VP of university advancement Central development Central development office Central development with some library input Central foundation Central university and library director of development in consultation with dean of library and associate dean of library Chief fundraising officer in partnership with associate vice president for college and units and the university librarian Chief LDO in concert with dean of libraries Collective between dean, assistant provost, and university foundation Dean of libraries Dean of university libraries & senior director of development & alumni affairs Dean, senior VP for advancement, director-library advancement Dean’s cabinet Determined by university librarian in consultation with director of development. Development director with final approval of university foundation Director of advancement and director of libraries Director of development, with input from dean of libraries and senior staff at central development operation Director of library development and executive director, DAE Executive director Executive director and director of development & alumni relations Executive director, university advancement Foundation staff Institutional advancement and library dean Jointly between the foundation and dean Jointly by Libraries and foundation office Jointly with central development LDO