60 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
20. If you indicated previously that your library collaborates with any campus/parent institution
departments or external organizations to develop/provide programming in library learning spaces,
please identify the specific collaborator and briefly explain the type of programming that was
developed/provided. N=44
Other campus/parent institution department N=40
Academic departments
Academic departments, centers, and units work with librarians and archivists on lecture, symposia, and presentations.
Academic Learning Services collaborates in a “Long Night Against Procrastination” event (library open through the night
and offering research and writing support) twice a year.
Blackboard workshops for faculty
Center for Global Engagement on discussions and lectures on special topics, Center for Humanities and Society on
lectures on a variety of topics
Center for Social Research: data management planning
Center for Teaching &Faculty Development, Information Technologies, several academic departments: for speakers,
exhibits, installations and other events we frequently partner with many campus entities.
Center for Teaching Excellence, Office of Assessment, and other campus groups provide joint programs, workshops,
guest speakers, events, etc.
Collaborate with campus art gallery on exhibits in library spaces.
College of Arts &Sciences departments of English &African American Studies: collaboration between faculty in these
departments and librarians linking course integrated student use of special collections research center sources and
culminating in a student-centered Undergraduate Research Conference, taking place within library spaces and open to
the full campus community and the public. Art faculty collaborating with Learning Commons on exhibits of student art,
as part of their course assignments. Museum Studies exhibits intern working with Special Collections on exhibits.
College of Arts &Sciences Honors Program reception, TISCH School of the Arts MIAP panels
College of Geoscience works with Libraries to host GIS Day events/Open House at the Libraries.
Department of Student Affairs: April 16th art exhibit
DesignLab: partnership for Digital Salon exhibition (cross-departmental initiative sponsors DesignLab)
Discover Auburn Lecture Series is co-sponsored by the AU Libraries, Carolyn Marshall Draughon Center for the Arts and
Humanities, and the AU Bookstore.
Digital Media Lab: HackVirginia with Student Group, Teaching Fair with Learning Management Group. Fine Arts: School
of Architecture on transformation of space for the Materials Collection.
Faculties around campus such as Health, Liberal Arts, and Professional Studies. Computer Science Faculty of Science
for hackfest, debates, teach-ins, research celebrations, and other one-off events such as Open Access Week,
Undergraduate Research Fair. Vice President Research Office for research celebrations, Undergraduate Research Fair. VP
Research for a promotional booth. Organized research units on campus and faculties for various art or other exhibits.
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