SPEC Kit 342: Next-Gen Learning Spaces · 53
This example occurred in a number of learning spaces throughout the library. To mark 20 years of democracy in South
Africa, the library created an exhibit composed of materials from the Library of African Studies that incorporated a
number of multimedia elements.
Undergraduate Commons: Staff supervise a 3D scanning and 3D printing operation.
Undergraduate work study students designed topical installation featured throughout commons supervised by librarian
responsible for undergraduate engagement with the libraries.
We did a series of workshops in our library/IT collaborative space over our spring break for graduate students (who
often are working in the library during the break). The workshops involved both librarians and IT staff.
We have a new Multipurpose Room that is dedicated to faculty/library events. We host student work displays, course
exhibits, workshops, and campus meetings. A newly appointment Outreach Support Specialist manages much of the
programming and event planning, working with students and faculty to put together interesting displays and events.
We host an express workshop series in our Learning Commons. These are a series of short workshops (20–30 minutes)
on a variety of topics. ITS staff and librarians work together to plan and implement the workshops. We make sure there
is a mix of library workshops and workshops led by campus partners (writing center, financial aid, etc.)
We partner with our Student Success Centre to offer learner support for academic writing and academic success. We are
focusing on the holistic needs of learners rather than parceling out our support based on our normal responsibilities. In
addition, we are embedding our staff in a variety of nonacademic units where learners from diverse backgrounds may
gather rather than coming into the library.
We partner with the Teaching &Learning Center on campus to offer open discussions over the lunch hour called
“Uncommon Learning.” Faculty present innovative teaching practices in a room that is multipurpose—study,
prevention, events, etc. it does not contain technology, but presentation technologies can be brought into the room. It
also allows easy access for catering. It is a welcoming space that encourages community.
18. Has your library collaborated with any campus/parent institution departments or external
organizations to create (or modify) library learning spaces? N=70
Yes 60 86%
No 10 14%
If yes, please identify the specific collaborator and briefly describe the nature of the partnership.
Other campus/parent institution department N=58
Academic advancement, writing center
Academic Computing and Communications Center provides IT support in Commons.
Campus OIT and Center for Teaching and Learning helped develop the Center for Digital Scholarship.
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