SPEC Kit 342: Next-Gen Learning Spaces · 61
Faculty lectures, faculty as co-curators of exhibits
Faculty of arts and sciences: presentation of findings of research groups. Faculty of education: series of lectures on
children book writers and illustrators, etc.
First Year Experience uses a recently renovated library reading room for orientation activities. Program includes
introduction to the libraries as well as other academic support services.
First Year Initiatives: Night in the Library event as part of first week orientation
Health Science Center Library partnered with the Center for Safety, Simulation &Advanced Learning Technologies to
add a touch-activated game simulation in our collaboration commons. Health Science Center Library has collaborated
on the Panama Canal Exhibit and events.
Information Technology: programs highlighting available technologies
ITS: integrated technology, multimedia and audio/visual services within the Libraries
Lectures, programming, rapid prototyping with Digital Humanities and Information Studies
Other units offer consulting services (e.g., on statistical analysis and survey design) within our Scholarly Commons.
The Rare Book &Manuscript Library partners with many university and external organizations to provide lectures,
receptions, etc. in the RBML. The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music partners with community organizations
on educational and cultural programming, both in their own space and in community venues, including K–12 schools.
Provost, Research &Sponsored Programs, Undergraduate Studies: Undergraduate Research Symposium
School of Engineering and the Department of Chemistry
School of Industrial Design: design studio
Strengthening the Professoriate (NSF funded program) created data management plan training with the library.
Study abroad program: Friday afternoon orientations
The library regularly collaborates with the English and History Departments, and also has collaborated with Strategic
Communications Department, Office of Multicultural Affairs, and Research and Technology Office to provide
programming. Programs have included musical events, exhibits, film showings, author talks, lectures, book talks,
symposia, and workshops. The library also regularly collaborates with the local chapter of Sigma Xi Scientific
Research Society to offer Science Cafe, a monthly event in which scientists present their research in an informal and
engaging way.
Undergraduate Studies department, Undergraduate Research department, IT, Orientation
University IT: software and technology workshops. Graduate School: Scholars’ Studio.
Various academic departments such as English, Film Studies, Engineering, Computer Science, Architecture, Education
We collaborate with Academic &Research Technologies (A&RT), a department of University Information Technology, to
provide programming on popular presentation software in our Information Commons.
We collaborate with IT Service to provide orientation programming for entering first-years, as one example of
our activities.
Writing Center: provides drop-in assistance writing research papers.
Faculty lectures, faculty as co-curators of exhibits
Faculty of arts and sciences: presentation of findings of research groups. Faculty of education: series of lectures on
children book writers and illustrators, etc.
First Year Experience uses a recently renovated library reading room for orientation activities. Program includes
introduction to the libraries as well as other academic support services.
First Year Initiatives: Night in the Library event as part of first week orientation
Health Science Center Library partnered with the Center for Safety, Simulation &Advanced Learning Technologies to
add a touch-activated game simulation in our collaboration commons. Health Science Center Library has collaborated
on the Panama Canal Exhibit and events.
Information Technology: programs highlighting available technologies
ITS: integrated technology, multimedia and audio/visual services within the Libraries
Lectures, programming, rapid prototyping with Digital Humanities and Information Studies
Other units offer consulting services (e.g., on statistical analysis and survey design) within our Scholarly Commons.
The Rare Book &Manuscript Library partners with many university and external organizations to provide lectures,
receptions, etc. in the RBML. The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music partners with community organizations
on educational and cultural programming, both in their own space and in community venues, including K–12 schools.
Provost, Research &Sponsored Programs, Undergraduate Studies: Undergraduate Research Symposium
School of Engineering and the Department of Chemistry
School of Industrial Design: design studio
Strengthening the Professoriate (NSF funded program) created data management plan training with the library.
Study abroad program: Friday afternoon orientations
The library regularly collaborates with the English and History Departments, and also has collaborated with Strategic
Communications Department, Office of Multicultural Affairs, and Research and Technology Office to provide
programming. Programs have included musical events, exhibits, film showings, author talks, lectures, book talks,
symposia, and workshops. The library also regularly collaborates with the local chapter of Sigma Xi Scientific
Research Society to offer Science Cafe, a monthly event in which scientists present their research in an informal and
engaging way.
Undergraduate Studies department, Undergraduate Research department, IT, Orientation
University IT: software and technology workshops. Graduate School: Scholars’ Studio.
Various academic departments such as English, Film Studies, Engineering, Computer Science, Architecture, Education
We collaborate with Academic &Research Technologies (A&RT), a department of University Information Technology, to
provide programming on popular presentation software in our Information Commons.
We collaborate with IT Service to provide orientation programming for entering first-years, as one example of
our activities.
Writing Center: provides drop-in assistance writing research papers.