SPEC Kit 342: Next-Gen Learning Spaces · 73
All reference/instruction librarians teach these classes, as well as other library staff. The class is conducted in a smart
classroom. Multiple methods are used to assess the success of the class.
Amazing Library Race introduced new students to the library as a whole. Students used desktop computers in our digital
classroom, visited exhibits, special collections &archives. Success measured by completion of four written race forms
within 30 minutes and at least 80% correct responses.
An instruction librarian and composition instructor collaborated in planning and teaching a library instruction session on
topic and keyword development in order to help students complete an essay. The librarian first created a video on how
to create mind maps and posted it on a LibGuide. Students were required to watch the video prior to class and create
mind maps based on their own research interests. During the library session, which took place in a library computer lab
with fixed computers, the librarian guided students through the process of narrowing their mind maps to more specific
topics and developing keywords based on their narrowed topics. Students used the keywords to conduct research in a
library database. The librarian and composition instructor received copies of both the mind maps and the keywords for
assessment purposes.
Big Muddy Film Festival used auditorium and new double room with four projectors to display portions of the
filmmakers’ films for discussion and judging. The Center for Teaching Excellence held its 3rd Annual Teaching and
Learning with Technology Symposium and used multiple spaces throughout the building for multiple sessions for faculty,
students, and administrators to learn about the technologies (mailing program and photos).
Chair of the Department of Energy, Environmental &Chemical Engineering wanted to make class available to
international partners, and ran a trial using SMART Board to record lectures with PowerPoint notations distributed via
iTunes U. Used “presentation room” (capacity 50), support from staff, and SMART Board.
Closing the reference desk: referring users to online reservation for in-person consultations at the undergraduate library
resulted in doubling the number of consultations and the length of them.
Digital Media Lab: As part of a two week design thinking course that the library taught, we introduced 3D technologies,
helped students learn a 3D technology and produce their findings during class presentations. Our objective was to
introduce students to 3D, and each group produced 3D content. Fine Arts: The ARTH 4051 Library Lab is a semester-
long discussion lab taught by the Art History librarian that uses the library and its collections and services to develop
deep research skills for majors based on the methodologies taught in the ARTH 4051 Theory class.
First year writing class seminars collaboration with technical writing classes in creation of multimodal content and
promotional videos
Flash reference—very brief proactive sessions focused on one general skill or topic at a time performed by a librarian
in a large open study space—reaching a large number of students in a short span of time. Equipment used was Pico
Pocket projectors, mobile device.
Graduate Research Series: staff involved is library technicians, librarians from various campuses. The success was based
upon attendance and feedback from participants.
Hackathon on open study floor involved librarians, staff, and faculty advisors, used library and personal computing
devices, also used projectors. We have participant surveys, interviews with faculty advisors, informal feedback from
participants, and feedback from corporate sponsors who really treated the event like a job fair.
Hands-on workshop for specialized software in a flexible teaching space with laptops and projectors and small
prize incentives for class participation librarian and one support staff feedback form, follow-up consultations, plus
faculty feedback.
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