54 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Campus Information Technology operates a High End Multimedia Computer Learning Space in the Library
Information Commons.
Campus-wide committee formed in 2011 to reconsider the Undergraduate Library. Representation from all over campus.
Center for Computation and Visualization (department on campus) collaboration on design and specs for space
and technology
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching is renovating space to aid instructors to create blended
learning products.
Center for Teaching &Faculty Development, Information Technologies are both close collaborators for most all learning
spaces in library.
CITES (campus academic computing services) to develop and staff the Media Commons. College of Engineering to
develop and staff the Center for Academic Resources in Engineering.
College of Arts &Sciences created Math Emporium.
College of Science: SCALE-UP classroom (classroom +study space and events)
Cornell IT is transforming traditional computer lab into a collaboration center.
Departments/schools, programs such as Center for Entrepreneurship, etc.
Digital Humanities
Direction des immeubles collaborates in the execution of the projects.
Examples: Student Government Association for funding &space planning Reading Writing Center space integrated into
a library learning commons.
Facilities, Learning Technologies, Learning Assistance, University HR, student groups
Faculty of Graduate studies on future spaces for graduate students
Food Science Department &University Dining for Hill of Beans and Common Grounds coffee bars Digital Games
Research Center for the Game Lab
Freshman enrolled in Design Thinking and Communication (DTC), a course required of all entering students in the
School of Engineering, assisted in the design of our student collaboration commons.
In the library, the math department created the Math Learning Success Center, which consists of tutoring space, study
space, and fixed computers with specialized software.
Information Technology: multimedia support, lab support. Writing Center: writing support.
Information Technology Services (ITS), Office of Disability Services (ODS), Math Center, Writing Center
Institute for Teaching and Learning to develop a shared classroom space within the library.
iSci Program: library instruction program and academic program share classroom housed in library.
IT and Instructional Design both collaborated with the library to create co-located services within the library.
IT, Facilities management &space planning
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