78 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
and refinement of the services includes input for the target audiences, as well as from surveys directed at individuals
who have used the digital scholarship services and spaces. Visitors and partners of the Scholars’ Collaborative can:
Consult with Scholars’ Collaborative staff to discuss aspects of digital scholarship. Build projects using the latest
digital tools and software. Connect with a community of scholars with a shared interest. Discuss openly and honestly
the possibilities and challenges of using new technologies in research and scholarship. Leverage the expertise of the
Libraries’ subject specialists. The Scholars’ Collaborative can partner with scholars at the university to assist with data
management, metadata, data visualization, spatial mapping and analysis, geo-spatial and temporal storytelling, and
presentation and publishing tools (WordPress/BuddyPress, Omeka, etc.)
Writing program Theater Now multi-section seminar meets in repurposed reading room the day after theater production
to interview actors/directors. Engages students with direct primary research within research space (library). Resources
are two librarians, four to five faculty, and microphone set-up. The seminar has extended engagement with the
writing program.
28. Does your library have plans to make significant changes to any of its learning spaces in the near
future? N=71
Yes 60 84%
No 11 16%
If yes, please briefly describe one example. N=58
Add more.
Adding a reservable presentation rehearsal room and a gaming lab.
Addition of a SMART classroom
Additional flexible instruction space and more silent and group study
Build out an accelerator/incubator in the Management Library.
Complete renovation of the first floor in the early planning stages goal will be to make this floor more clearly focused
on collaborative and consultative services.
Complete transformation of the Learning Commons, hence the current case study/ethnographic study.
Continuing to create more of the types of spaces that students are requesting: interview rooms with video-conferencing
software, upgrading our presentation practice rooms so that students have the ability to record and play back their
presentations, testing new technologies for screen sharing and 3D printing, and using furniture to create more
collaborative study/work spaces.
Create a Digital Studio: a 3500 square foot creation/production/work space for using/manipulating data primarily in the
humanities and interdisciplinary fields produced works then could be presented in the adjacent Digital Scholarship Lab
using visualization technologies.
Create a new Multimedia Commons.
and refinement of the services includes input for the target audiences, as well as from surveys directed at individuals
who have used the digital scholarship services and spaces. Visitors and partners of the Scholars’ Collaborative can:
Consult with Scholars’ Collaborative staff to discuss aspects of digital scholarship. Build projects using the latest
digital tools and software. Connect with a community of scholars with a shared interest. Discuss openly and honestly
the possibilities and challenges of using new technologies in research and scholarship. Leverage the expertise of the
Libraries’ subject specialists. The Scholars’ Collaborative can partner with scholars at the university to assist with data
management, metadata, data visualization, spatial mapping and analysis, geo-spatial and temporal storytelling, and
presentation and publishing tools (WordPress/BuddyPress, Omeka, etc.)
Writing program Theater Now multi-section seminar meets in repurposed reading room the day after theater production
to interview actors/directors. Engages students with direct primary research within research space (library). Resources
are two librarians, four to five faculty, and microphone set-up. The seminar has extended engagement with the
writing program.
28. Does your library have plans to make significant changes to any of its learning spaces in the near
future? N=71
Yes 60 84%
No 11 16%
If yes, please briefly describe one example. N=58
Add more.
Adding a reservable presentation rehearsal room and a gaming lab.
Addition of a SMART classroom
Additional flexible instruction space and more silent and group study
Build out an accelerator/incubator in the Management Library.
Complete renovation of the first floor in the early planning stages goal will be to make this floor more clearly focused
on collaborative and consultative services.
Complete transformation of the Learning Commons, hence the current case study/ethnographic study.
Continuing to create more of the types of spaces that students are requesting: interview rooms with video-conferencing
software, upgrading our presentation practice rooms so that students have the ability to record and play back their
presentations, testing new technologies for screen sharing and 3D printing, and using furniture to create more
collaborative study/work spaces.
Create a Digital Studio: a 3500 square foot creation/production/work space for using/manipulating data primarily in the
humanities and interdisciplinary fields produced works then could be presented in the adjacent Digital Scholarship Lab
using visualization technologies.
Create a new Multimedia Commons.