SPEC Kit 342: Next-Gen Learning Spaces · 69
If yes, what are your most commonly used technique(s)? Check all that apply. N=62
Feedback forms 60 97%
Polling software 36 58%
Minute papers 27 44%
Direct paraphrasing 9 15%
Other technique(s) 20 32%
Please briefly describe the other technique(s). N=20
Authentic assessment techniques including annotated bibliography of research assignment analysis
Authentic assessment via carbon copy worksheets
End of semester surveys for both students and faculty
End-of-semester course evaluations
Following up with students and/or instructor at a later date
Individual instructors implement different techniques most frequent choices include surveys to the faculty and asking
students to list the top three things they learned.
Librarians and other instructional staff typically have their own ways of assessing or evaluating in their instruction
sessions. There is no formal, defined way they are asked to do this.
Muddiest point, one thing learned/one thing didn’t learn, informal interviewing/observation
Multiple-choice survey
Outcomes based assessment, experiential activities, group assignments that are graded by librarian and submitted to
academic instructor
Pre- and post-tests
Pre- and post-tests, instructor interviews, quizzes
Pre-tests/post-tests, post instruction bibliography assignments, direct observation of student activity during in-
class breakouts
Quiz based on class content
Short surveys
Some librarian collaboration with non-library faculty on assignment authorship and grading
Standardized Assessment on Critical Thinking: Watson Glaser Pre-, post-testing There is not one standardized
assessment procedure that is sanctioned across the libraries.
Surveys. Note: libraries are generally not leading the instructional activities in the next-generation learning spaces.
Systematic observation, library/faculty debriefings
Wide variety
If yes, what are your most commonly used technique(s)? Check all that apply. N=62
Feedback forms 60 97%
Polling software 36 58%
Minute papers 27 44%
Direct paraphrasing 9 15%
Other technique(s) 20 32%
Please briefly describe the other technique(s). N=20
Authentic assessment techniques including annotated bibliography of research assignment analysis
Authentic assessment via carbon copy worksheets
End of semester surveys for both students and faculty
End-of-semester course evaluations
Following up with students and/or instructor at a later date
Individual instructors implement different techniques most frequent choices include surveys to the faculty and asking
students to list the top three things they learned.
Librarians and other instructional staff typically have their own ways of assessing or evaluating in their instruction
sessions. There is no formal, defined way they are asked to do this.
Muddiest point, one thing learned/one thing didn’t learn, informal interviewing/observation
Multiple-choice survey
Outcomes based assessment, experiential activities, group assignments that are graded by librarian and submitted to
academic instructor
Pre- and post-tests
Pre- and post-tests, instructor interviews, quizzes
Pre-tests/post-tests, post instruction bibliography assignments, direct observation of student activity during in-
class breakouts
Quiz based on class content
Short surveys
Some librarian collaboration with non-library faculty on assignment authorship and grading
Standardized Assessment on Critical Thinking: Watson Glaser Pre-, post-testing There is not one standardized
assessment procedure that is sanctioned across the libraries.
Surveys. Note: libraries are generally not leading the instructional activities in the next-generation learning spaces.
Systematic observation, library/faculty debriefings
Wide variety