50 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
0 20 40 60 80
A full-‐,me posi,on dedicated to programming
Other external partners
Other academic ins,tu,on partners
Campus/parent ins,tu,on partners
Library staff
Provide programming
Develop programming
17. Please identify one learning space and briefly describe an example of programming that takes
place there and the staff responsible for that programming, particularly one that you think has
moved the space in the direction of being Next-Gen. N=42
A main floor lounge that is highly visible has some great display space that is regularly used to highlight student work.
An anniversary lecture series is held in an open space in the health sciences library. Librarians and staff are responsible.
Digital Scholarship Lab: Staff responsible includes DSL Coordinator, Communications &Public Programs Specialist, and
often a librarian liaison involved in the project or subject area.
Digital Media Lab: The Media Center, which includes many new media technologies, hosts a campus-wide showcase of
innovative teaching methods on an annual basis. The programming efforts are led by the head of the Digital Media Lab.
Fine Arts both develops and provides programming with other academic institution and develops programing with other
external partners (local arts groups).
FIREtalks are a series of interdisciplinary forums run by graduate students for graduate students. They allow graduate
students in the academic community to collaborate, network, and explore ideas beyond conventional disciplinary
boundaries. Talks consist of a series of “rapid-fire” presentations followed by short discussions and topics have included:
Tools of the Trade, Community and Communication, Frameworks of Power, Creativity and Innovation, Learning
Machines, Indigenizing the Academy, Communicating to Multiple Audiences, Mixed Methodologies, Care and Healing,
Applied Academia, and Ethics and Dissemination.
Graduate Student Mixer, Modern Language Conversation Tables
Group tutoring/One-on-one tutoring takes place in the Tutoring Center. When more than one student appears or
schedules to come in for tutoring in a single subject, the tutor goes in to the open area and sets all students up at a
0 20 40 60 80
A full-‐,me posi,on dedicated to programming
Other external partners
Other academic ins,tu,on partners
Campus/parent ins,tu,on partners
Library staff
Provide programming
Develop programming
17. Please identify one learning space and briefly describe an example of programming that takes
place there and the staff responsible for that programming, particularly one that you think has
moved the space in the direction of being Next-Gen. N=42
A main floor lounge that is highly visible has some great display space that is regularly used to highlight student work.
An anniversary lecture series is held in an open space in the health sciences library. Librarians and staff are responsible.
Digital Scholarship Lab: Staff responsible includes DSL Coordinator, Communications &Public Programs Specialist, and
often a librarian liaison involved in the project or subject area.
Digital Media Lab: The Media Center, which includes many new media technologies, hosts a campus-wide showcase of
innovative teaching methods on an annual basis. The programming efforts are led by the head of the Digital Media Lab.
Fine Arts both develops and provides programming with other academic institution and develops programing with other
external partners (local arts groups).
FIREtalks are a series of interdisciplinary forums run by graduate students for graduate students. They allow graduate
students in the academic community to collaborate, network, and explore ideas beyond conventional disciplinary
boundaries. Talks consist of a series of “rapid-fire” presentations followed by short discussions and topics have included:
Tools of the Trade, Community and Communication, Frameworks of Power, Creativity and Innovation, Learning
Machines, Indigenizing the Academy, Communicating to Multiple Audiences, Mixed Methodologies, Care and Healing,
Applied Academia, and Ethics and Dissemination.
Graduate Student Mixer, Modern Language Conversation Tables
Group tutoring/One-on-one tutoring takes place in the Tutoring Center. When more than one student appears or
schedules to come in for tutoring in a single subject, the tutor goes in to the open area and sets all students up at a