SPEC Kit 342: Next-Gen Learning Spaces · 21
Percentage of total library square feet N=45
Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev
0.575% 78% 28.63% 25% 19.10
Percentage Responses
5% 3
5%–10% 5
11%–20% 10
21%–30% 11
31%–40% 7
41%–50% 3
51%–60% 3
61%–70% 0
70% 3
3. Has the physical configuration of any of your learning spaces changed over time? N=72
Yes 71 99%
No 1 1%
If yes, what drove the decision to make the configuration change(s)? Check all that apply. N=70
Building renovation/reorganization 64 91%
Informal feedback from library users 58 83%
Formal feedback from library users 58 83%
Recommendations from library staff 56 80%
Influenced by configuration of spaces at other institutions 54 77%
Result of a strategic planning process 51 73%
Funding opportunity specified these changes 41 59%
Independent decision by library administration 36 51%
Recommendation from expert in the field 24 34%
Mandated by external body 6 9%
Other reason(s) for change 11 16%
Please briefly describe the other reason(s) for change. N=11
A new building gave us the ability to design forward-thinking spaces and a forward-thinking building.
Because of the many libraries here, not all of these decisions or factors driving decisions apply to the same situation. For
example, the School of Education’s library underwent a thorough strategic plan that directly affected space decisions,
while the Libraries as a whole are only currently in a strategic planning process that has not (yet) driven these decisions.
Fine Arts: reuse of obsolete space
Percentage of total library square feet N=45
Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev
0.575% 78% 28.63% 25% 19.10
Percentage Responses
5% 3
5%–10% 5
11%–20% 10
21%–30% 11
31%–40% 7
41%–50% 3
51%–60% 3
61%–70% 0
70% 3
3. Has the physical configuration of any of your learning spaces changed over time? N=72
Yes 71 99%
No 1 1%
If yes, what drove the decision to make the configuration change(s)? Check all that apply. N=70
Building renovation/reorganization 64 91%
Informal feedback from library users 58 83%
Formal feedback from library users 58 83%
Recommendations from library staff 56 80%
Influenced by configuration of spaces at other institutions 54 77%
Result of a strategic planning process 51 73%
Funding opportunity specified these changes 41 59%
Independent decision by library administration 36 51%
Recommendation from expert in the field 24 34%
Mandated by external body 6 9%
Other reason(s) for change 11 16%
Please briefly describe the other reason(s) for change. N=11
A new building gave us the ability to design forward-thinking spaces and a forward-thinking building.
Because of the many libraries here, not all of these decisions or factors driving decisions apply to the same situation. For
example, the School of Education’s library underwent a thorough strategic plan that directly affected space decisions,
while the Libraries as a whole are only currently in a strategic planning process that has not (yet) driven these decisions.
Fine Arts: reuse of obsolete space