SPEC Kit 342: Next-Gen Learning Spaces · 177
Space Requirements for Mann Library (excerpts)
person “classic” library study tables. A couple of students specifically mentioned liking the library
stacks as a resource and also ambience. A student mentioned the new Hotel center in Statler and
commented that it was not really a library. When the CALS student advisory committee was
asked what they thought of when they thought of a library, they responded that they thought
about lots of desks, stacks, and books and said Statler felt like a cafeteria although students did
like the booths. Interestingly a couple of participants explicitly remarked upon the pull of
familiarity and the feel of being surrounded by books and feeling that they are in a library as main
draws. One participant specifically said that seeing other people being productive motivated her.
• Technology -‐ As for technology and computers, intensive technology is not always necessary –
the main things students mentioned were power outlets, whiteboards (whether rolling,
whiteboard walls or whiteboard paint) and other lower tech solutions. These are very much in
demand and may be all some students need. However, as the CALS student advisory committee
pointed out, it’s better to have more available technology rather than less and those who don't
need it won't use it.
• Most of the participants have and carry around their own laptops and phones (and iPods,
Nooks and the like) but they also used campus library and department computers and
labs a great deal.
• GoogleDocs – for file sharing &storage—is highly used, and in some cases, DropBox –
mostly used for sharing large files. Note: one student said that email attachments were
for formal, finalized things like resumes and for older/authority figures and GoogleDocs
was for other students, brainstorming and informal collaboration. This emphasized the
idea that GoogleDocs was something that the younger generation understood and used
easily, but when she had to deal with older professors she always defaulted to Microsoft
Office applications (Word, PowerPoint). Only a few students interviewed so far actually
used DropBox, mainly those who had to share files that were particularly large (and in
some cases it was unclear if the speaker was referring to the Cornell version of DropBox or
the freely available version, which have different functionalities).
• Dual monitors on computers (preliminary results from our photo diary study indicate
these are good for design programs like AutoCAD and Photoshop as well as reading and
writing side-‐by-‐side) and a large screen (and projector and desktop) for group work.
• LCD screens are crucial for some kinds of group work &essential for practicing
• Presentation practice space with projectors is needed (to practice using PowerPoint) in
the group study spaces.
• Laptop docking stations for Mac and PC.
• TVs and higher end technology like smartboards, embedded tablets in tables that can
wirelessly project to monitors, multi-‐touch wall surface, media players, and an iPad
library-‐only a few participants asked for these.
• Printing and copying came up in requests for more copiers and printers on all floors (and
free printing! A participant in our photo diary study indicated that the free printing at the
Latino Center was something that she wished she’d known about earlier) and a couple of
requests to move printing (to enclosed area or one that didn’t block the view out of the
Space Requirements for Mann Library (excerpts)
person “classic” library study tables. A couple of students specifically mentioned liking the library
stacks as a resource and also ambience. A student mentioned the new Hotel center in Statler and
commented that it was not really a library. When the CALS student advisory committee was
asked what they thought of when they thought of a library, they responded that they thought
about lots of desks, stacks, and books and said Statler felt like a cafeteria although students did
like the booths. Interestingly a couple of participants explicitly remarked upon the pull of
familiarity and the feel of being surrounded by books and feeling that they are in a library as main
draws. One participant specifically said that seeing other people being productive motivated her.
• Technology -‐ As for technology and computers, intensive technology is not always necessary –
the main things students mentioned were power outlets, whiteboards (whether rolling,
whiteboard walls or whiteboard paint) and other lower tech solutions. These are very much in
demand and may be all some students need. However, as the CALS student advisory committee
pointed out, it’s better to have more available technology rather than less and those who don't
need it won't use it.
• Most of the participants have and carry around their own laptops and phones (and iPods,
Nooks and the like) but they also used campus library and department computers and
labs a great deal.
• GoogleDocs – for file sharing &storage—is highly used, and in some cases, DropBox –
mostly used for sharing large files. Note: one student said that email attachments were
for formal, finalized things like resumes and for older/authority figures and GoogleDocs
was for other students, brainstorming and informal collaboration. This emphasized the
idea that GoogleDocs was something that the younger generation understood and used
easily, but when she had to deal with older professors she always defaulted to Microsoft
Office applications (Word, PowerPoint). Only a few students interviewed so far actually
used DropBox, mainly those who had to share files that were particularly large (and in
some cases it was unclear if the speaker was referring to the Cornell version of DropBox or
the freely available version, which have different functionalities).
• Dual monitors on computers (preliminary results from our photo diary study indicate
these are good for design programs like AutoCAD and Photoshop as well as reading and
writing side-‐by-‐side) and a large screen (and projector and desktop) for group work.
• LCD screens are crucial for some kinds of group work &essential for practicing
• Presentation practice space with projectors is needed (to practice using PowerPoint) in
the group study spaces.
• Laptop docking stations for Mac and PC.
• TVs and higher end technology like smartboards, embedded tablets in tables that can
wirelessly project to monitors, multi-‐touch wall surface, media players, and an iPad
library-‐only a few participants asked for these.
• Printing and copying came up in requests for more copiers and printers on all floors (and
free printing! A participant in our photo diary study indicated that the free printing at the
Latino Center was something that she wished she’d known about earlier) and a couple of
requests to move printing (to enclosed area or one that didn’t block the view out of the