SPEC Kit 342: Next-Gen Learning Spaces · 37
Library gate
Library hours Reference
Web traffic
Stayed about the same
Comments N=24
Answered Yes N=22
Both Music and Fine Arts libraries experienced increased gate counts with the opening of new refurbished spaces both
within and around them. In general, we track all of this data, but have no way to connect it to learning space use other
than in small branches.
Changes in the methods of data collection make historical comparisons difficult.
Disclaimer: We cannot say for sure that these specific changes are completely due to our new learning commons.
During the time period before and after the Student Multimedia Design Center opened, all activity increased.
Gate counts have risen steadily each year for a total increase of 63% between 2010 and 2013. We know our database
and e-journal usage totals continue to rise and, due to our emphasis on e-book acquisition for new materials, our print
circulation is dropping.
Gate counts increased dramatically in the year following our last major renovation in 2004. This renovation increased
study/learning space for users.
General collection circulation decreased, technology equipment increased.
In the Engineering Library, data on the number of active wireless connections by floor indicates increased use since the
opening of the Center for Academic Resources in Engineering, a tutoring and academic support service on the library’s
top floor. In the Undergraduate Library, we have made any number of changes to the facilities and services, so it would
be simplistic to claim a “direct connection” between the availability of learning spaces and levels of use.
Library gate counts at selected branches increased after renovations to library learning spaces. This probably says more
about the desirability of newly renovated spaces than about “the availability of learning spaces” in general.
Library space was offered to outside academic departments, on a permanent basis, so this has affected our gate counts.
We will need more time to monitor further increases in counts.
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