40 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Data visualization skills
Digital Media
Digital Media Lab: Authoring content digitally (creating fliers, t-shirts logos, videos, virtual worlds, interactivity within
spaces). Fine Arts: Museum docent training, visiting scholar training, streaming class and public seminars. Scholars’ Lab:
programming (coding), creating online archives, intro to WordPress, version control, data management for humanists
GIS and hands-on mapmaking 3D modeling and printing.
Drop-in reference consultations, writing and academic success tutoring, business math
First Year Studies: study skills development and acculturation to the academy. This is not the same as taught in
information literacy or research skills instruction.
For-credit courses from various departments use library spaces for course instruction.
Grant funding research skills (Research Commons). Orientation and best practices session for faculty teaching in the
Active Learning Classrooms (Undergraduate Library).
Health Science Center Library offers NIH public access and medical terminology.
If a semester-long course taught by full-time faculty needs the pedagogical tools offered by our instruction spaces in the
commons, we will let them book the room for a semester. For example, the introductory computational programming
class taught in our mechanical engineering department uses one of the technology classes since it requires group
problem-based learning. There is only one other room on campus that also allows this, but it only accommodates 25
students our tech classroom seats up to 45 students.
Instruction about archives, rare books, and special collections
Instruction for GIS, statistical analysis, data visualization, research impact assessment
Our library liaisons provide intellectual property, author rights, and copyright assistance to their respective departments.
We also offer drop-in sessions for research and data management.
Peer-to peer workshops on group projects, on good security practices, etc.
Research and Data Service management courses brought in Organization, Information &Learning Sciences (OILS)
department and library grants degrees.
Software Carpentry and Wikipedia editing sessions are two examples.
The size, multiple libraries, and complexity of the university environment are hard to capture here. In general, traditional
information literacy classrooms are widely available and provide both drop-in and course-integrated instruction. The
“next-generation” learning spaces do not typically offer information literacy or research skills instruction, however
software training (provided by campus IT) and intellectual property instruction (provided by libraries) are used
heavily in the Media Studios classes. DesignLab offers design principles workshops and for-credit course. Copyright/
fair use and author rights are taught in a variety of settings, including campus workshops for graduate students
co-taught by libraries and campus legal services. The key “other type” of instruction is regular college courses (e.g.,
calculus, engineering, English) being taught in the Media Studios and WisCEL centers by faculty without direct library
instructional involvement.
Video, multimedia, graphic design, advanced new media software, integration of technology into teaching and learning
We have general assignment courses that hold their entire semester-long course in our active learning spaces. We also
have a large amount of course-related instruction as well as library-sponsored instruction.
Data visualization skills
Digital Media
Digital Media Lab: Authoring content digitally (creating fliers, t-shirts logos, videos, virtual worlds, interactivity within
spaces). Fine Arts: Museum docent training, visiting scholar training, streaming class and public seminars. Scholars’ Lab:
programming (coding), creating online archives, intro to WordPress, version control, data management for humanists
GIS and hands-on mapmaking 3D modeling and printing.
Drop-in reference consultations, writing and academic success tutoring, business math
First Year Studies: study skills development and acculturation to the academy. This is not the same as taught in
information literacy or research skills instruction.
For-credit courses from various departments use library spaces for course instruction.
Grant funding research skills (Research Commons). Orientation and best practices session for faculty teaching in the
Active Learning Classrooms (Undergraduate Library).
Health Science Center Library offers NIH public access and medical terminology.
If a semester-long course taught by full-time faculty needs the pedagogical tools offered by our instruction spaces in the
commons, we will let them book the room for a semester. For example, the introductory computational programming
class taught in our mechanical engineering department uses one of the technology classes since it requires group
problem-based learning. There is only one other room on campus that also allows this, but it only accommodates 25
students our tech classroom seats up to 45 students.
Instruction about archives, rare books, and special collections
Instruction for GIS, statistical analysis, data visualization, research impact assessment
Our library liaisons provide intellectual property, author rights, and copyright assistance to their respective departments.
We also offer drop-in sessions for research and data management.
Peer-to peer workshops on group projects, on good security practices, etc.
Research and Data Service management courses brought in Organization, Information &Learning Sciences (OILS)
department and library grants degrees.
Software Carpentry and Wikipedia editing sessions are two examples.
The size, multiple libraries, and complexity of the university environment are hard to capture here. In general, traditional
information literacy classrooms are widely available and provide both drop-in and course-integrated instruction. The
“next-generation” learning spaces do not typically offer information literacy or research skills instruction, however
software training (provided by campus IT) and intellectual property instruction (provided by libraries) are used
heavily in the Media Studios classes. DesignLab offers design principles workshops and for-credit course. Copyright/
fair use and author rights are taught in a variety of settings, including campus workshops for graduate students
co-taught by libraries and campus legal services. The key “other type” of instruction is regular college courses (e.g.,
calculus, engineering, English) being taught in the Media Studios and WisCEL centers by faculty without direct library
instructional involvement.
Video, multimedia, graphic design, advanced new media software, integration of technology into teaching and learning
We have general assignment courses that hold their entire semester-long course in our active learning spaces. We also
have a large amount of course-related instruction as well as library-sponsored instruction.