SPEC Kit 342: Next-Gen Learning Spaces · 59
University Writing Program provides classroom instructions.
We collaborated with IT Services to provide a week-long series of workshops for graduate students.
We’ve worked with the Center for Social Research on data management training and the Center for Teaching and
Learning on programs to help instructors incorporate media-rich assignments into their classes.
With the writing center, the library collaborates on an event called the “Write-in” staffed by writing tutors and
librarians. Students attend and consult with writing tutors and librarians to get help at any stage of research or writing.
We plan research classes in conjunction with class faculty. We host classes, and we collaborate with the humanities’
digital efforts on campus to develop instructional activities.
Writing &Communication Program
Writing Center: librarians and Writing Center tutors jointly staff Research Rescue Drop-In sessions that help students
with their research and writing.
Writing Center and Quantitative Tutoring Center to perform General Education tutoring.
Writing Center: WriteFest writing workshop for graduate students
Writing Center, Public Speaking Center, Tutoring Center, Office of Student Disabilities, Office of Learning Resources and
Career Services: monthly meetings are held to maintain a strong partnership with all entities.
Other academic institution N= 6
Faculty Development Programs
Local high schools
Mohawk College: 2 plus 2 college to university program to teach research skills
Pratt Institute: User Experience seminar/internships LIU Palmer School: NYU Dual Degree Program mentoring, boot
camp, instruction
SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design): printmaking workshops
University of Rhode Island for development of UNIV 190L
Other external organization N=7
Affiliated hospital libraries for library instruction.
Apple authorized training
Florida Department of Law Enforcement: Research for Leadership Program for Officers.
Librarian and history teachers from Banneker High School had students use open space with computers for
research projects.
Library hosted Society of American Archivists Digital Archives Specialist classes.
Straw Hat Press: bookmaking and printmaking
Vendors have visited to provide training on their products.
University Writing Program provides classroom instructions.
We collaborated with IT Services to provide a week-long series of workshops for graduate students.
We’ve worked with the Center for Social Research on data management training and the Center for Teaching and
Learning on programs to help instructors incorporate media-rich assignments into their classes.
With the writing center, the library collaborates on an event called the “Write-in” staffed by writing tutors and
librarians. Students attend and consult with writing tutors and librarians to get help at any stage of research or writing.
We plan research classes in conjunction with class faculty. We host classes, and we collaborate with the humanities’
digital efforts on campus to develop instructional activities.
Writing &Communication Program
Writing Center: librarians and Writing Center tutors jointly staff Research Rescue Drop-In sessions that help students
with their research and writing.
Writing Center and Quantitative Tutoring Center to perform General Education tutoring.
Writing Center: WriteFest writing workshop for graduate students
Writing Center, Public Speaking Center, Tutoring Center, Office of Student Disabilities, Office of Learning Resources and
Career Services: monthly meetings are held to maintain a strong partnership with all entities.
Other academic institution N= 6
Faculty Development Programs
Local high schools
Mohawk College: 2 plus 2 college to university program to teach research skills
Pratt Institute: User Experience seminar/internships LIU Palmer School: NYU Dual Degree Program mentoring, boot
camp, instruction
SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design): printmaking workshops
University of Rhode Island for development of UNIV 190L
Other external organization N=7
Affiliated hospital libraries for library instruction.
Apple authorized training
Florida Department of Law Enforcement: Research for Leadership Program for Officers.
Librarian and history teachers from Banneker High School had students use open space with computers for
research projects.
Library hosted Society of American Archivists Digital Archives Specialist classes.
Straw Hat Press: bookmaking and printmaking
Vendors have visited to provide training on their products.