60 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Only one opportunity to hire in the past five years, hired from outside.
Practices differ depending on position: AULs are frequently hired form within, but the university librarian is most often
an external hire.
We conduct national searches. If the best qualified is an internal applicant, we’ll hire that person.
We currently hire a mix of employees from within and outside of our organization.
We hire both within and outside of our organization in conformance with the federal hiring process and based on the
strengths of the individual candidates and the needs of the position.
We hire from within and without the organization.
38. If your library tends to hire mostly from within your organization, please briefly describe the
rationale for using that strategy. N=13
Internal employees interview everyday.
Not a specific strategy, just the way it worked out.
Talented staff who know the university and are motivated to make the library the best possible organization.
Tend to try to fill internally for section head and department head positions when available pool.
The dean hires/appoints the associate deans, so it occurs within the library. Associate deans tend to be oriented more
toward operations making knowledge of local practices and institutional history beneficial. It lends continuity. Also
provides a promotion opportunity for leadership development within. Often they have been groomed to move into
senior leadership.
The majority of the senior positions are administrative appointments (five-year term) assigned to current academic staff.
There is not a specific strategy to do this.
Too key to rely on selection of unknown people, time required to become effective and tenure on hire is too risky.
University policy
We encourage internal applications, but we conduct open searches in order to attract a diverse pool. We hire the best-
qualified candidate, whether internal or external.
We have had a number of reorganizations in which high potential staff have been able to take on
additional responsibilities.
We look first to see if there are suitable internal candidates, as a way to grow leadership from within. Internal
candidates have a solid knowledge base of the library’s operations and culture to be successful.
We use a mix of internal opportunity for those who are interested in learning new skills.
39. If your library tends to hire mostly from outside your organization, please briefly describe the
rationale for using that strategy. N=23
Always looking to hire the best candidate whether they are internal or external to our organization.
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