22 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
1 Negative impact on recruitment N=2
Geographic distance from continental US is usually negative. However, proximity to Asia is attractive for some
employees. Cultural/ethnic diversity is both positive and negative. Some employees are attracted by diversity for others,
it is too different here.
We are located in a relatively small northern city. Our cold climate and isolated location make us less desirable to
candidates who do not have roots here. On the other hand, candidates who are from our city/province are eager to
“come home” to work and live.
2 Somewhat Negative impact on recruitment N=1
Geographic location—we are a mid-sized city in the conservative south-central US. Culturally this is sometimes a
negative impact on recruiting of individuals who have a negative perception whether accurate or not of the South.
3 Neutral impact N=1
Unionized support staff
4 Somewhat Positive impact on recruitment N=6
Funding to cover moving expenses
Geographical location: close to NY City and Philadelphia
Perception of long-term job security
Recruiting visits to top-related library programs to identify candidates for our post-Masters residency program.
Recruiting practices that speed up the search process.
We have a tuition assistance program for our employees to obtain a degree useful for their position if that degree is not
offered at our institution.
We have shifted away from faculty hires and now hire librarians under our professional and scientific rank.
5 Positive impact on recruitment N=1
Commitment to diversity, Boston region rich in cultural &natural attractions
Comments N=5
For reputation of the institution, we would note that tenure status can have a positive or negative impact on recruitment
depending on the candidate. While some librarians are interested in tenure status, other applicants may not be.
Libraries IT head was a tenured professor. The next head of the department will not be a tenure-track hire due to the
24/7 nature of the position.
Our university does not have a spousal hiring program, which at times can be a drawback. On the other hand we do
have opportunity hires, which impacts us positively with diversity hiring.
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