136 · Representative Documents: Performance Assessment
Performance Excellence Handbook
Good “performance objectives” clarify the work results for which individuals are
accountable. These objectives often can be adapted from a person’s job description.
People need to see the link between their individual objectives and the objectives
of the entire organization to which they belong.
Performance objectives describe accomplishments, not activities. The goal should be
“SMART” performance objectives:
S =Specific
M =Measurable
A =Achievable
R =Results-focused
T =Time-bound
4 Northwestern University Performance Excellence Handbook
Setting Performance Objectives
For an organization
Not SMART “Improve our student service.”
SMART Achieve and maintain an average student service rating of at least
4.5/5.0 on our annual survey by 4-23-07.”
For an exempt employee
Not SMART “Create our 2007 strategic plan.”
SMART Create our 2007 strategic plan, obtain final approval from the Budget
Committee, and discuss it with our department so individuals can begin
setting their performance objectives by 8-29-07.”
For a non-exempt employee
Not SMART “Send out welcome letters to our new students.”
SMART Produce and distribute personalized welcome letters, error free, to all
new students in our department by 9-26-07.”
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