92 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Promoting Library Social Software to Users
29. Please indicate which of the following your library has used to promote participation in library
social software activities to library users. Check all that apply. N=59
Links on library Web site 55 93%
Announcements in orientations, bibliographic instruction 51 86%
E-mail notices 35 59%
Flyers, handouts, bookmarks, etc. 34 58%
Training for interested participants 27 46%
Ads and links in social software sites 26 44%
Links in courseware 22 37%
Other 11 19%
Please explain other promotional method.
“Announcements at staff meetings.”
“Articles in library publications instruction in online Help documentation and online training resources.”
“General publicity talks.”
“Links in personalized campus Web portal.”
“Newspaper articles, press releases, orientation events.”
“Not actively promoted at this point relying on ‘word of Web.’”
“Posts on the Library’s blog detailing initiatives.”
“PowerPoint slides on library lobby screens and on student-run coffee shop screen. We are just getting
started with the IM service and also the publicity.”
“School newspaper.”
“Screen savers on public workstations.”
“We promote the IM service in brochures and on LCD panels throughout the Libraries.”
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