46 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
The Librarian is BLOGGING
This blog will serve as a repository for useful research tips and other information relevant to the Columbia
Journalism community. We also use blogs for internal staff communication.
Notes from the UCR Engineering Librarian
Blog to connect the Engineering Librarian with engineering students and faculty.
Blogs are uses by subject librarians to communication with their target user groups. They also have use in
instruction and library news on the public side. On the staff side, the “sticky wicket” is used for sharing
current research questions.
Swain Hall Library Blog
The Swain Hall Library uses the blog to provide information about the library as well as promote awareness/
discussion about science issues and literature.
Science Librarian’s blog
Science librarian uses to communicate library and liaison specific items to Chemistry and Biochemistry,
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering and Energy Processes, Physics.
Multipurpose/Large Scale
UThink: Blogs at the University of Minnesota
We host blogs for the entire University of Minnesota community: faculty, staff, students, everyone. UThink
is now the largest academic blog site in America. In the library UThink is used by subject librarians to reach
constituents, as well as to promote and highlight library news and events. UThink has also given us a chance
to change perceptions on what libraries can offer, it gives us a tangible example of the library as traditional
defender of academic freedom, and it gives us another means to capture and maintain the cultural memory of
the institution.
Ask a Librarian Blog
Blogs used in a variety of ways at unit libraries several blogs are managed by library-wide committees. Blogs
used to archive content offered to faculty. Blogs also used to market library services and highlight collections,
especially new acquisitions and electronic resources. Cornell University Library (CUL) and Cornell Information
Technologies (CIT) are co-sponsoring a blog pilot as a first step in developing a centrally-supported blog
service. The pilot will enable CUL and CIT to evaluate the feasibility of supporting blogs for teaching, research,
and communication. Currently using blog software to market “Ask a Librarian” reference service.
This is our blog program. We currently have about 20 active blogs.
Planet YUL
This is an aggregator that brings together all public blogs run by the Library or by librarians here.
Group Project, Team, Committee Support
Card Sort Project
Internal library communication to share ideas for a card sorting project used in the redesign of the library
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