102 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Support (when unfunded, people as
resources for it).
Usability/legality. Facebook and other sites
harvest information we don’t want them
to have on their users if those users are
our patrons. We have limited resources,
so we need to make sure anything we
support meets the majority of our users
needs, so ADA compliance is another
issue. SP
Grassroots effort because there is no
centralized approach, it’s difficult to get
buy-in and understanding of the benefits
by all library staff. SB
We still don’t know whether students
connect research with their social spaces.
Do they want us there?
How personal should you get?? O Time. T How effective is it really? AE
Increasing student and faculty
participation. UB
Training staff to use the services.
Continued marketing and promotion of
the services. M
Individual voluntary participation in some
elements of social software can lead to
imbalances in the breadth of services
offered to our patrons across subject
Assessment and gathering accurate
statistics is challenging due to the
voluntary nature of staff participation and
lack of systematized reporting, as well as
to difficulties inherent in technologies such
as RSS. AE
Integration of these new services with
existing (archaic) library Web platforms.
Finding ways to ensure that the
technologies used can be made (more)
accessible. A sad fact is accessibility seems
to always come last in the Web 2.0 world.
Finding enough time and resources to
fully test the various technologies, and
establish an ROI for their use (I am looking
over at Second Life right now... )so that
the library can begin providing more
support and funding for those services
that prove to be successful. T, AE
It was challenging to get the right type
of staff in place who could capitalize on
what social software can add to the user
experience. We hired an Instructional
Technologist. ST
It is still challenging to make users aware
that we are offering these new social
software-based services.
Keeping content current, fresh and
maintained. MC
Convincing staff and/or users to
participate. SB, UB
Adding responsibilities to other duties that
already exist. T, CP, SC
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