60 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Ask Us (Ask a Librarian)
Used for live reference service, currently using Meebo.
Chat Only
AskRef Live!
Allows University of Delaware faculty, staff and students to ask reference questions online in real time.
Participate in 24/7 QuestionPoint Online Chat thru Boston Library Consortium
Online chat reference questions from BU community. Six librarians cover five hours each week for the local
and national academic queues. In exchange other consortium librarians and librarians in a national academic
queue provide 24/7 coverage for any BU inquiries.
Ask a Librarian
Reference service from Main and branch library.
Chat with a Librarian
Library of Congress live chat (provided as part of the cooperative QuestionPoint service (OCLC) in which LC
participates) is available to provide live assistance to patrons and available from Monday through Friday 2:00-
4:00 PM Eastern Time.
PHP Live
Virtual reference services are offered generally between 9:00a.m. 7:00p.m., Monday to Friday. All reference
staff contribute 1 to 2 hours per week.
Reference Chat
Pilot project for reference chat, not continued, not found to be effective. We are using QuestionPoint instead.
Research Help Now
Michigan’s Virtual Reference service staffed by librarians as MSU and across Michigan. Allows for access to
research help no matter where in the world you are.
Chat with a Reference Librarian
Alternative way for students to ask questions about library services and resources. Also used among staff
members to get quick response.
Chat reference, chat with subject librarian.
QuestionPoint 24/7 Chat reference
Supplement to basic reference.
Using OCLC online chat.
Staff use it for communication with other library staff and patrons.
It is used for communication between staff members and staff members and patrons.
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