SPEC Kit 304: Social Software in Libraries · 41
This is one of many internal Wikis that the Libraries has developed to share information and develop
documentation with departments and across departments. The Partners Wiki is a place for the Columbia
University Libraries to collaborate with the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning.
Tech Services Wiki
Share information and documents with staff.
We are using Wiki for documentation used by staff. We are looking into public applications.
Collection Development Wiki IT Department Wiki
Connecting library staff within library: share info facilitate communication. Reporting progress on task force
Conference Wiki and Student Technology Worker Wiki
We use Wikis for internal information sharing, such as our conference attendee Wiki so everyone knows
who is at what conference and our other applications include a student technology worker Wiki, a reference
department Wiki, and an engineering library Wiki for the policy manual.
Current Public Presence: Subject and Course Guides
Earliest implementation was for internal documentation and collaboration for library staff. Recently, we
moved our subject and course guides to a Wiki environment.
Dspace Wiki
Staff training, documentation, communication. We also have other Wiki’s, e.g., for the Library Call Center,
and for a fire collection replacement project.
Evidence-Based Practice: Searching the Literature
The Wiki is used as a resource for medical rehabilitation students.
Global Health Wiki
To promote collaboration between McGill Departments, but also to attract a global audience.
Health Sciences Library Wikis
We have many examples of Wikis used to market library materials and services, and deliver content for library
courses/workshops and also deliver library guides.
Use of Wiki started in the Serials Unit for a procedures manual. A proposal was then made to implement the
Wiki more broadly in the Libraries. There is a Public and Staff Wiki. These began implementation in 2006.
There are a variety of uses of the public Wiki including instruction, marketing, sharing information, etc. There
are 45 Staff Wikis at last count.
Library Training Guide
To supplement training of new librarians and staff.
We plan to use it for documentation, online help resources, tutorials, and more. We are still waiting for
approval from Systems.
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