82 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
“Participation in Wikis, blogs, chat and VOIP are also required for some departments.”
“Required participation is limited to staff engaged in reference activities.”
“Some sections/projects in the library require the use of Wikis for recording meeting minutes.”
“Wikis is a grey area. We don’t ‘require’ anyone to use any of the Wikis we have in place, but choosing not
too leaves most people so far out of the loop (particularly for internal committee Wikis, etc.) that they must
really use them, at least to consult (even if not to contribute) despite the lack of a mandate. RSS is similar,
since many of the committee Web sites and internal staff pages ‘must be checked regularly by members
of this department.’ They may not realize that what they are reading is an aggregation and injection of
departmental RSS feeds into their staff home page.”
“The intended interpretation of ‘required’ is not clear. For example, if staff are using a Wiki for their work it is
a requirement of those involved, but not necessarily all staff.”
“All the social networking we are currently doing is under development or in test, so that participation is
voluntary. After a service is tested and approved by PSC, it becomes a normal part of work assignments and
thus no longer voluntary.”
“Once a service is implemented we support it fully. During the experimental phase participation is voluntary.”
“Although staff are encouraged to participate with incorporating social software into their jobs, it is still a
voluntary exercise.”
“Staff use of and participation in Library initiatives employing these technologies varies depending on the job
description of the employee, and are guided by the Library’s IT security policies and Internet use policies.”
“There is no library policy on the use of this software. A few such as virtual reference and RSS feeds for new
books have been formalized however, the use of other social software is based on interest by individual
librarians or libraries.”
“Other =Facebook (voluntary).”
“Each of the blogs have formal authors/coordinators and others participate voluntarily.”
“VOIP and Virtual worlds may be used personally or for professional development, but have not been
implemented for library work.”
“There is no central organization or management of social software initiatives in the UCSD Libraries. Grass-
root, whoever wants to participate/create tools does so and if someone doesn’t want to, they don’t. We are
starting to take a look at systematically implementing use through library-wide committee, and the campus is
as well. Many librarians use tools voluntarily. Participation in UC-wide chat service is required by all libraries,
though not all librarians.”
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