30 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Brief description of how the library is using the site.
Photo Sharing
“For pics on Learning Commons blog.”
“Photo sharing.”
“MSU Libraries online photo tour. Also highlight library services that are available to the users.”
“The Libraries established a photo pool on Flickr to enable photo posting and sharing from different Libraries’
related events.”
“Using for building renovation photos.”
“To store, organize, and share photographs of the library and its activities.”
“University Archives has posted photos from its collections on Flickr to provide access to them in a space
where users might be more likely to find them and comment on them. Other departments have also used
Flickr for informal sharing of photos from library events, etc.”
“We launched a Flickr page with the opening of our new Information Commons, the Hub. We began posting
photos during the renovation process, and continued to post photos through our dedication and grand
opening. We continue to post photos of events and happenings in the Hub nearly every day.”
“We’ve uploaded photos of our library spaces and some library events to make them more widely available.”
“Collect photos of the Graduate Library for PR. Highlight special exhibits and events. Special projects for
“To share photos of new Learning Commons and to manage this content as it appears on library’s Web site.
To post photos from Special Collections photo archive.”
“To share photos of library events with community future use would include inviting users to add their
“Flickr: We created a collection of images about skiing in Flickr the images were drawn from our digital
collections. This pilot project did not yield a great many more hits and thus was ended. YouTube: Used to
house promotional videos about the library.”
“Host photos.”
“As part of a pilot project, 1) to share photographs from the Library’s collections with people who enjoy
images but might not visit the Library’s own Web site 2) to gain a better understanding of how social tagging
and community input could benefit both the Library and users of the collections 3) to gain experience
participating in Web communities that are interested in the kinds of materials in the Library’s collections.”
Video Sharing
“Output instructional video.”
“Subject-based pod/videocasts (music, architecture), events broadcasting.”
“University Archives used YouTube to deliver information about history of the university to alumni, students
and friends of the University really the world.”
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