52 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
RSS Feeds for New Items Added to Our Collections
In this case we are providing RSS feeds for specific subjects in the library catalog. When new titles arrive they
are automatically attached to these feeds which are based on call number ranges. Users can subscribe to the
feeds or just view Web pages that are powered by those feeds.
NLM Technical Bulletin
To send immediate notification of published articles from our Web-based searching newsletter, the NLM
Technical Bulletin.
Feed of Catalog Information
Enables users to establish feeds of newly acquired materials.
Recent Faculty Publications
Scopus (database) has enabled a live RSS feed based on a stored query. These queries here display recent
publications in general on Women’s Studies (from UConn researchers) and also pull out titles by individual
author (faculty).
Recent Pitt Faculty Publications
Display a feed of new faculty publications on the library homepage.
From the Catalog
To inform patrons of new books and to populate Web pages.
Catalog Feeds
Set up search feeds from catalog news alerts for libraries.
Recently Added Electronic Resources
Feed of recently added electronic resources.
We provide RSS feeds from one of our digital collections housed on LUNA Insight
As new digital content is added to this collection, people signed up, can receive an RSS feed about new
The Library Front Page
The RSS feed pushes out library announcements to users (i.e., new items).
Push Headlines and Content of the Blog to the Science &Engineering Library’s Homepage
We use ‘the RSS to Javascript’ function to push the headlines and content of the Science &Engineering
Library News &Events blog to the S&E Library’s homepage. Using this method, we also feature/promote
several services and resources per month on the homepage. These services and resources are buried deep in
the library’s website and may not be discovered by users otherwise. This method is used to encourage all S&E
staff members to participate in promoting library services and resources because they are all blog authors.
Two Major Uses
One is RSS aggregation into library Web pages (and even other Web 2.0 social software platforms). A good
deal of the is to publicize events and services, but some are aggregating RSS into their Web platforms to
hook into A&I services/updates as well as news services targeted at their subject area. The other use is of
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