65 SPEC Kit 360: Learning Analytics SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Privacy Policy https://library.syr.edu/policy/privacy-policy.pdf Libraries Privacy Policy (Version 2.0) Updated October 4, 2013 PRIVACY POLICY Introduction The Syracuse University Libraries (“Libraries”) are committed to protecting the privacy of all who use their services, in person or online. This Privacy Policy provides information about the information the Libraries collect and use, and why they use such information. The Libraries provide a vast array of services. Many services do not require users to divulge any information to Libraries staff or systems. Other services, however, require users to provide some information in order to receive or benefit from the service. At all times, the Libraries’ staff keeps confidential all information about our users, their activities, and their research choices to the extent allowed by law. All Libraries divisions and personnel comply with New York State law that governs the confidentiality of library records. The remainder of this Privacy Policy provides details about the Libraries’ collection and use of various types of information. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this policy, please contact the Director of the Copyright & Information Policy Office at cipa@syr.edu. Definitions “Individual Information” includes personal name, physical addresses (including permanent and temporary residence addresses), electronic addresses (including e-mail, instant messaging addresses or screen names, and VOIP addresses or screen names), telephone numbers, and social security number. “University Information” includes SU ID number, NetID, and any cards or items that include such numbers or identifiers. “Authenticated Services” are Web-based services the Libraries provide through the Libraries website that require proof that the visitor using the service is affiliated with the Syracuse University community. Authenticated Services – such as “Request,” “My Account,” “My Bookbag,” and using databases off campus – may require users to provide University information. The “Libraries Website” includes content, files, and servers the Libraries manage or control, including, but not limited to, those under the addresses http://library.syr.edu http://summit.syr.edu http://syracuse.summon.serialssolutions.com/ http://copyright.syr.edu and associated or successor websites or portals that manage, display or provide information about the Libraries’ collections or holdings.