54 Library Privacy Statements and Policies GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Statement on Data Use for Library Assessment Purposes https://docs.google.com/document/d/14iUMpFZFLPaLdAdpQGC9M9UgnjdkI2UBYRKGhwt9K XE/edit?usp=sharing Statement on Data Use for Library Assessment Purposes Submitted for approval from the Assessment Steering Committee - November 2016 The Georgetown University Library occasionally gathers data generated by library users for the following purposes: ● Respond to questions, requests, complaints, or other types of user feedback ● Provide individually customized services like faculty office delivery, InterLibrary Loan, or research consultations ● Monitor library use and demand for services ● Support technology use and network security ● Circulate books, equipment, and other library resources ● Request feedback to assess library programs or services Data can often be helpful for communication and marketing efforts. Direct quotations from library users should only be used when consent has been given by a specific respondent, or when prior notice has been given to anonymous respondents. The Library is committed to maintaining all data confidentially (see Confidentiality of Patron Information) and follows UIS guidelines for data security. Data gathered during an assessment project should, by default, be considered confidential, meaning that the fewest people necessary will have access to the data, including the project team, relevant department head(s), and relevant AUL(s). During any activity that gathers feedback from users (survey, focus group, etc.) it is possible that the specific performance or behavior of an individual staff member may be referenced by a user, even if the purpose of the assessment is not to assess the staff member’s performance. Sensitive data may be modified or redacted before the data set is shared widely, but an original copy of the data set will be maintained, and modified data entries will be noted within the modified data set. Non-sensitive data sets may be anonymized and stored in a location that is accessible to all library staff members, such as the Staff Wiki or the Data Dashboard. Aggregated data sets and assessment project reports may also be shared with other Georgetown University departments when requested. To ensure workplace continuity and responsible data use, the Chair of the Assessment Steering Committee and the Assessment Librarian will have access to all data sets gathered for assessment purposes via the Library Assessment Box account.