25 SPEC Kit 360: Learning Analytics As stated above, the university is not currently asking for library-specific data beyond that collected by Learning Innovation as described in part 1 of this survey. Again, we anticipate increased interest in library-specific data in the coming months/years and so are beginning to think about how we can collect, store, and share these data. We have no formal plans or process at this time. Because assessment and data analytics are relatively new in our library, often others do not perceive the library as a place to obtain this type of data. This is slowly expected to change as our efforts at outreach continue across the libraries as well as across the institution. Campus does not have a central data repository for data contributions. Current data is shared as aggregate reports or for specific projects. As the campus implements learning analytics software we will provide most relevant data. In general, I think the university tends to put less emphasis on data warehousing, analytics, big data, etc., when compared with its peers. I have a good relationship with the Office of Assessment and Decision Support, but their work does not involve learning analytics, only campus-wide surveys and demographic information about students. I have not seen any campus-wide efforts to mine student data for actionable findings, although I know that three years ago, when I started in this position, there was some effort to use “big data” at the university level. I think interest in that project has waned, and the leader of that initiative has moved on. Institution is not requesting this data. No central learning analytics initiative. It’s not requested of us by campus units or leadership. Lack of interest from institution or the library. Learning Analytics is piecemeal and silo-ed. Further, it’s difficult to scale because the schools do not use a unified data structure and students can take classes within multiple schools. Library data is not needed for current learning analytics efforts. No clear objective that requires it and that would promise to bring value to offset resource investment. No initiatives No patron information is shared, only status and sometimes department, if possible. Not requested. Other than data required for institutional reporting, no data requested by other institutional units such as Office of Research. Others on campus may not want the data or we have never been asked for it. Our institution is very decentralized, and therefore we collect, store, and analyze our data based on various assessment needs within the library. Data may be shared with other parts of the institution on ad-hoc basis. The library system is decentralized, making data collection a challenge. There is not a culture of strong data collection for the purpose of sharing in the libraries. We are not entirely clear yet of campus needs and uses for library information. We have no evidence that it would be useful to meet institutional goals in this area. We haven’t been asked to share this data with other university units, although we share selective data when we’re addressing specific topics, such as the collections budget (e.g., database usage) or making a case for additional resources (e.g., building and equipment usage), etc. We haven’t had these conversations yet. We need to analyze the data we’ve been collecting more closely before determining whether it makes sense to share the data. And, we have not had the personnel to help formulate a plan.