10 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses Data Analytics EAB Campus Exists in three offices: Office of the Provost, The Institute for Teaching and Learning (TILT), and CSU Online. I believe the university’s Office of Budget and Planning is responsible for this work. Institutional Assessment & Studies Institutional Effectiveness & Assessment Office of Research Institutional Research & Information Management Institutional Research, Assessment & Research in Division of Student Affairs, and Registrar all work on this. Institutional Research, Planning and Assessment Learning Analytics Research Network Office of Assessment of Teaching and Learning Office of Institutional Analysis Office of Institutional Planning and Research (OIPR) Office of Institutional Research (university), Assessment and Government Information (library) Office of Institutional Research and Planning (OIRP), Division of Academic & Student Affairs (DASA), Distance Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA) Office of the Provost and Information Technology Services Office of the Provost, Vice Provost for Data and Information Several offices are involved in learning analytics efforts at different levels. The University Assessment Committee The University Libraries are increasingly involved in assessment activities to better understand and demonstrate the impact of the Libraries on student outcomes. The Undergraduate Experience Initiative/ Office of the President was recently launched and the Libraries are partners in this effort. Unizin Governance and Working Teams has a Learning Analytics cross-functional team. Other learning analytics efforts are decentralized in individual colleges. There is a Learning Analytics Informal Community of Practice. UX & RIO Within the library, there are several units responsible for and engaged in their own efforts for learning analytics, such as Data Management Services and Academic Liaisons (focused on learning and teaching). The Center for Educational Resources partners with faculty and graduate students to extend their instructional impact by connecting innovative teaching strategies and instructional technologies. Across the institution, analytics and assessment often are distributed in various offices throughout the university and medical campuses—so while various offices engage in these activities, there is no one, central office completely responsible for institutional assessment or analytics. This leaves some organizational analytics-based gaps that the Assessment and User Experience Department plans to help fill.