123 SPEC Kit 360: Learning Analytics JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Homewood Institutional Review Board | Data Security http://homewoodirb.jhu.edu/investigators/data-security/ laptop, portable storage device, or any other device that can be lost or stolen. Instead, use a secure server. Never store unencrypted data on a portable device. 4. If backing up data is required, ensure that backups are encrypted. 5. Avoid accessing personal information from computers in hotels, business centers, or any other public access locations. Remove temporary files that are created when using the internet, such as those found in browser caches and temp files. 6. If you need to use the original data collection forms and they contain personal identifiers associated with each subject, lock the originals away and use redacted copies. 7. If you store hard copies in a file cabinet or desk drawer, you must lock that storage unit. It is also preferable to be able to lock the door of the room in which the data is stored. Since several di(erent standard file cabinets may be opened with the same key, it is advisable to get an external security bars for each of your cabinets. 8. Do not leave sensitive data unattended on a copier, printer or fax machine. 9. Dispose of documents and disks securely use a shredder. 10. Ensure that your computer is sanitized as part of disposal. 11. Promptly report lost or stolen devices. 12.