103 SPEC Kit 360: Learning Analytics WESTERN UNIVERSITY Official Student Record Information Privacy Policy https://www.uwo.ca/univsec/pdf/academic_policies/general/privacy.pdf Academic Handbook, General Policy, Student Record Information Privacy Policy Page 4 Last Revised: 2008 08 • Faculty(ies)/Schools in which student is/was enrolled, with major field of study • Academic or other University honors or distinctions However, at any time an individual may request that this information cease to be made publicly available by contacting the Office of the Registrar or the Faculty of Graduate Studies, as appropriate, in writing. (b) Prospective Applicants and Applicants Prospective Applicants and Applicants may, upon written request, be granted limited access to records containing their personal information in accordance with the Access Procedure set out in Section 6 of the Guidelines on Access. Access will not be provided to records that have been submitted to the University in confidence either implicitly or explicitly (e.g., letters of reference), that document deliberative processes, or are otherwise exempt under the Guidelines on Access. Outdated records for prospective applicants, records for unsuccessful applicants, and records for those who do not accept an offer of admission, are not retained indefinitely. They will be destroyed in accordance with approved retention and disposal schedules. (c) Current Students Current students normally have access to their Official Student Record, except material submitted to the University in confidence (e.g., letters of reference) or otherwise exempt from access under the Guidelines on Access, by making an informal request to the appropriate University office. However, students may also request access in accordance with the Access Procedure set out in Section 6 of the Guidelines on Access. If a student has outstanding debts to the University, access may be restricted and certain academic documents (e.g., transcripts, graduation diplomas) may be withheld until payment is received. (d) Next of Kin Next of kin will not be given access to information in the Official Student Record except as provided for in Section 2 above, the most common circumstance being with the prior consent of the student. This provision applies regardless of the age of the student (i.e., whether or not they are under the age of 18) as it is the student’s ability to consent, rather than their age, that is the determining factor in their right to exercise control over their own personal information. (e) Faculty and Staff Within the University, access to the Official Student Record is restricted to faculty and staff who have a legitimate need for the information in order to carry out the responsibilities of their position or office as it relates to the administration of student affairs and services. For example, access to information contained in the Official Student Record of current students, former students or alumni/ae who are also employees of the University will not be provided for employment related purposes without the prior consent of the individual. Similarly, details of medical information supplied to Faculty offices will not be released without the prior consent of the individual. Access to financial assistance information of the Ontario Student Assistance Program, to other forms of assistance based on financial need, or to individual