13 SPEC Kit 360: Learning Analytics Office of the Registrar OIPR Registrar’s office Registration and Records Springshare The Assessment & User Experience Department is the business owner of the repository. It is supported and developed by the Library Applications Group (IT). The Office of Business Intelligence manages the data and the platform. The technical aspect of our data warehouse is managed mostly by the university system IT (Administrative Information Technology Services) and campus IT (Technology Services). University Business Intelligence University Information Technology Services University Information Technology (2 responses) University Registrar 5. Please enter any comments you have regarding institutional data storage. N=12 A challenging environment, operationally and fiscally. Campus is working towards a data stewardship model where roles are distributed across both units mentioned above [Division of IT and Registrar’s Office]. Discussions on institutional data warehousing are taking place on campus. General student data is stored in a central data warehouse. However, each department may perform their independent assessment projects, in which case the department will store the data they collect. There may be a separate learning analytics warehouse that the library is not aware of. I don’t have any knowledge of how these data are stored at the institutional level. The library has not been involved in any projects that would require access to those data. It is my understanding that our student data is stored in PeopleSoft. The OAPA has been implementing analytics tools that interact with PeopleSoft. Learning analytics is still nascent. Various units are collecting and using data, but efforts are not centralized under a single campus body, yet. Purpose of this office as posted on its website: “The Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment (IRPA) provides essential information about the university for the purposes of decision- making, policy analysis, strategic planning, mandated reporting, and academic program review. We capture data on faculty, staff, students, and finances and use it to characterize the institution in quantitative ways using nationally accepted definitions.” Student data is aggregated into profiles and affiliation. Individual student data that would be identifiable in the data store is not retained. Personally identifiable data may still be found in the resource management tools for reserves and Inter Library lending, as well as in individual staff files. Data privacy is something we are working on addressing for operational data and library analytics currently. Current data management policy exists but is geared more towards researchers and Principle Investigators external to the library, although conversations are underway about developing a data management plan for library operations and analytics data. The Assessment and User Experience Department aligns our work with campus policy for IRB, HIPPA, and FERPA.